Sunday, November 3, 2019

Relationship between heat and temperature Essay

Relationship between heat and temperature - Essay Example It explains the impact of atomic and molecule coalition to distribute energy as well as different units of heat and temperature measurement and, conclusively, a description and calculation of heat capacity indicating how it is affected by mass and nature of matter. Keywords: Kinetic Energy, Heat, Temperature, Heat Capacity, Molecule, Particles, Atoms, Bond, Substance, Degree, Constant, Solid, Liquid, Gas. Heat is the conveyance of kinetic energy from its source through an intermediary to another object. It cannot be held nor it is a substance, â€Å"but a form of energy that can be converted into other forms† (Heat ? a Matter of Motion, p. 293). On the contrary, it is the quantity of energy in the substance in subject. It can be distributed in space, fluid substances and through metallic materials from a higher to a low concentration of heat energy. Kinetic theory of matter relates with the heat study through the concept of ‘high speed particles/molecules collisionâ€⠄¢. Kinetic theory expresses the composition of matter to consist of tiny particle (molecules and atoms) where those particles further consist other units of sub-particles inside them that are in constant movement. â€Å"At any instant, swarms of molecules moving at very different speeds are striking the larger particle from all sides†¦.. Any remaining effect changes in magnitude and direction from moment to moment. †¦.the impact of the invisible molecules makes the visible particles appear to dance ‘dance’ or jitter randomly† (Heat ? a Matter of Motion, p. 312). The collisions of particles against each other, and on the surfaces of the container result in exchange of heat energy between them. The particles exist in all matters: the solids, liquid-fluids and gases. Therefore, heat been energy in transit uses the same concept where the particles inside the substance transfer the energy at each ‘rubbing’ hit in their high speed. The pace of t heir movement differs at different temperatures in gaseous and liquid states. We hence conclude that the heat energy is involved in the kinetic energy of the moving molecules inside a matter. Heat capacity of a substance is the required amount of heat energy one requires so as to increase its temperature by a degree. To be more practical, it is the total heat supplied divided by the temperature increase of an object. Either heat is lost or gained to cause temperature change ? size, nature of matter in an object and atmospheric pressure will determine an object heat capacity. Concentrating on size of the object, we deal with the quantity of a substance that cannot be separated from its mass. Take an example of 20 liters of tap water and 2 liters in a basin and avail a similar source of heat on them holding everything constant, then it is obvious that it will take less heat to cause warmth by 1 degree in the second case than in the first. The nature of matter is another determining pr operty, where the type of substance counts, be it gas, liquid or a solid (wood or metallic). Sources of heat: The solar energy is an external, powerful supplier of heat through the sun. It transmits electromagnetic energy through space onto the surface of the earth, impacting differently on them (Heat ? a Matter of Motion, p. 313). The heat is controlled enough to support life in this planet. The radiation of heat can be felt on human

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