Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leading through effective communication Term Paper

Leading through effective communication - Term Paper Example Although indecisive and less manipulative, this personality style makes for good leaders. Strong communication and an accommodating nature is what accounts for the strengths of these leaders. Communication styles and methods in effective leadership The importance of effective communication is especially felt while leading a group. The need for purposeful transfer of meaning to influence a person or a group of persons account is especially crucial for effective leadership. In other words it can be said that communication acts as a tool which is used by the leaders and it is the degree of successful use of this tool which determines how effective would be the leadership. Communication in leadership comprises of the entire range of resources and communication skills for creating and delivering messages across the two parties, overcoming interferences, directing, motivating and inspiring others for actions. As commented by Axelrod (2006), effective leadership is largely a matter of effec tive communication (Barrett, 2006, p.5). According to the views of Mayfield and Mayfield (2004), effective leaderships employ such communication process which motivates employees to accomplish their tasks. It is the communication style of leadership which helps to gain commitment towards the organizational purpose and mission (Jolley, 2010, p.25). According to Bass (1990), the participative style of leadership was associated with a high degree of honest, open, informal and two way communication. This particular style of communication is especially effective in resolving conflicts providing a common platform for the two parties to present their grievances against each other and generating a... The study reveals that communication is a predominant requirement in effective leadership. However, communication styles are different for different people depending on their personalities they display and the characteristics that they demonstrate. It is also apparent that leadership styles are shaped by the personalities that individuals possess and thus consequently the communication style that they use. However, according to the views of researchers and authors, irrespective of the leadership styles that an individual demonstrate the need for effective communication is an absolutely essential for effective leadership. Moreover, with globalization and organizational structures becoming highly complex and attracting talents from all over the world, organizations are working with people belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds. Thus the levels of differences and conflicts have also gone up. Thus leaders demonstrating the power to resolve conflicts, and overcome communication and cul tural barrier and high negotiating skills are found to be most successful in leading followers. Thus among all the leadership styles the participative style is recommended in today’s organizations. This demonstrates an open and honest form of communication style which allows both parties to confront and communicate with each other. It emphasises greatly on resolving organizational conflicts by providing a common platform for all to present their grievances and problems and consequently arriving at a suitable solution.

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