Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Recruitment Process Methods - 2479 Words

1. Introduction The purpose of this academic assignment is to prepare a portfolio of documents that will illustrate examples of most effectively practiced recruitment methods. Several documents that best reflected efficient internal and external recruitment methods, productive interview design structures, useful tests used in the selection process of recruitment and effective induction procedures were compiled. The portfolio of documents will then be analyzed and examined so as to provide an in-depth understanding on the usefulness and importance of such recruitment methods on the recruitment process. Upon analysis and examination of the aforementioned documents, several suggestions to improve and enhance the already effective†¦show more content†¦Therefore, this specific aptitude test is effective as there is test reliability and validity (Bambach, 2010). 2.7. Personality Tests Appendix F demonstrates the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test. This test allows recruiter to assess whether a candidate is Extraverted or Introverted, Sensitive or Intuitive, more prone to Think or Feel and whether the candidate is more Perceptive or Judging. Such is effective as the employer will be able to determine whether the personality of the candidate is suitable with the job description of the vacant position and with the organizational culture of the company (McShane Travaglione, 2007). Appendix G illustrates the Big Five Personality Test. Similarly to the MBTI, the Big Five Personality Test allows a recruiter to effectively determine the suitability of a potential candidate by scoring the candidate’s level of extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness (McShane Travaglione, 2007). 2.8. Effective Induction Procedures Appendix H provides a very concise, informative and detailed induction schedule. This induction schedule will serve as a very effective work procedure as it includes careful planning, introducing the new employee to the company, supervised induction programme, meeting with Human Resources to clarify employment conditions,Show MoreRelatedResourcing Talent1241 Words   |  5 Pagesplanning process. Studying this unit will enable learners to understand the factors that impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning activities. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. 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