Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Six Day War Operation Moked - 1372 Words

Introduction The State of Israel, one of the youngest countries in today’s world, is no stranger to conflict. Prior to the removal of the British Mandatory Palestine tension between the Palestinians and the Jews were high as immigrants from Europe flooded into Palestinian territory. With the British pulling out of Palestine and with the United Nations General Assembly’s 181 resolution Israel was able to declares its independence in 1948. Two millennium ago that the Jewish people were forced out by the Romans, as of 1948 they have officially returned to their home land. For Zionists this was a major cross road in history but it was apparent that their trip was far from over. The day following Israel’s declaration of independence†¦show more content†¦The Straits of Tiran are closed and Israel has already activated its reserves. With clock now running on Israel’s economy and the massing of enemy forces the decision is made to make a preemptive s trike. Execution The night before the world’s most daring air campaign was to take place the Israeli Air force commander, General Hod, went home at his usual time and was asleep by 11pm. The next morning border operations were no different than any other day, or so it appeared. The Israelis wanted to maintain one crucial principle of war, surprise. Without all may have been lost. It was 0710, Israeli time, when the first 16 Magister Fouga jets left Hatzor making all the same radio calls on all the same frequencies used by the normal patrols. In a matter of 20 minutes over 200 aircraft were aloft flying at altitudes no greater than 45 feet and in complete radio silence. Nearly all of the IAF was committed to this phase of the operation, a mere 12 aircraft were left on standby to defend the city centers. â€Å"Pull up.† At 0745 the phase was heard over and over on the air-control net. A second principle of war had been met, Israel was successful at massing its forces o n multiple objectives at a synchronized time. The Egyptians had four training flights aloft, none of which were armed. Surprise is an understatement when describing this feat. The first and second waves were over in 170 minutes. The Egyptian air force was destroyedShow MoreRelatedThe Six Day War And Its Impact On Arab Nations1811 Words   |  8 PagesThe six-day war can go down in history as one of the worst wars between Israel and one or more Arab countries. The six-day war heavily impacted Israel and the participating Arab countries in many ways. Israeli and Arab relations have never been good, even before Israel was declared an independent state in 1948. The six-day war should not be considered a new war based on its impact, rather it should be considered as a continuation of a constant war between Israel and its surrounding Arab neighborsRead MoreCauses Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict In The Middle East1820 Words   |  8 Pagesinstigated another war, with the intent to annihilate Israel. He successfully formed an alliance with all Arab countries to include Jordan and Syria, leaving Israel’s military vastly outnumbered. Abdel Nasser blocked off the Straits of Tiran in May 1967, cutting off Israel’s international trades and main oil supply. Also, Nasser also relocated the Egyptian Army along with his allies, surrounding Israel s borders. This was the breaking point for Israel and the beginning of the Six-Day War on June 5th,

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