Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discussion Question 1 Week 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Question 1 Week 4 - Assignment Example The restaurant will require about $150,000 in order to be operational. The Smart fast food restaurant will be organized as a partnership business. This is because I intend to start the business in partnership with Mr. Johnson. We will hire three kitchen cooks who will be involved in preparing the fast foods. We will also need to hire one waiter and two customer support staff. Moreover we will also need to hire two sales persons. I will act as the human resource manager while Johnson will act as the sales manager. However, the Smart food restaurant aims at increasing the number of the employee as the business progresses. The Smart fast food restaurant will be stated with a capital base of $150,000. Johnson and I will contribute $50,000 as the starting capital the rest of capital will be borrowed from commercial banks. The following is an outline of the proposed financial plan This refers to the amount of money needed to cater for the initial cost in order to start a business. It includes the money required to purchase all the materials required to a start the business. In this case smart food restaurant requires about $80,000 for its start up cost. The monthly expenses refer to the cost the business is likely to incur at the end of the month. These costs include the cost of paying for insurance, and the cost of paying its employee. In this case the Smart fast food restaurant will require $50,000 to cater for its monthly cost This refers to the various sales estimates that the business aims at achieving at the end of certain period. In this case, the Smart food restaurant estimates that at the end of the month it will make sales worth $120,000. The smart fast food restaurant will mainly target to sell its food products to the business people found in the Los Angelis town. This is because most of the business people find it hard to leave their business to a have lunch in a hotel. The business will also target the college students since they also like

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