Monday, September 30, 2019

Moral psychology Essay

The articles in this special section express a common theme: the use of information technology in society is creating a rather unique set of ethical issues that requires the making of new moral choices on the part of society and has spawned special implications for its members. Technology itself is not the only, nor necessarily the most responsible, cause of these issues. All ethical questions arise initially out of human agency. Technology, due to its capability to augment mental and physical powers of human beings, does stand in the role of a coconspirator. The lure of power-enhancing capabilities makes technology an inducer of sorts, a necessary but not sufficient underpinning to many of the ethical issues we face today. An ethical issue is said to arise whenever one party in pursuit of its goals engages in behavior that materially affects the ability of another party to pursue its goals. When the effect is helpful—good, right, just—we say the behavior is praiseworthy or exemplary. When, however, the effect is harmful— bad, wrong, unjust—the behavior is unethical. This purposeful theory of ethics is reflected in the issues discussed in these articles. For example, email and being online are applications of information technology, the lure of which is based on their ability to expand the scope, range, speed, and ease of interpersonal and corporate communications. Useful as they are, the schemes and the manifold of issues addressed leave one question unanswered: What moral guidance can be provided to the agents whose behavior create these issues? And, this question leads to others: How should the many knowledge workers, systems analysts, programmers, hardware designers, authors, executives, and so forth, who set in motion the actions which bring these issues to the fore, guide their own behavior? Knowing their technology-based actions will intercede in the course of human affairs, how should they direct them? The crucial point occurs when a moral agent—one that by definition has choices—decides to change the state of information or information technology in a human system. Changes in hardware, software, information content, information flow, knowledge-based jobs, and the rules and regulations affecting information are among the many things agents do that affect others. I call these crucial juncture points moments-of-truth. If those of us who make decisions in any of these areas are to behave ethically, we must be able to identify the significant momentsof-truth in which we participate and be able to reflect on the effects of our actions. We must use our moral imagination to guide our choices so that we can contribute positively toward making the kind of ethical world in which we want to live and want to bequeath to our future generations. How can we do this? The ACM Code of Ethics [1], as well as the schemes and other articles in this special section provide initial grist for the mill. More fundamental, however, is our conscience, aided by our understanding and expertise in information technology. If we have an inkling our behavior as information professionals might in some way harm others, we probably should examine our decisions a little more carefully and from an ethical point-of-view. Getting the Morally Relevant Facts The facts of an ethical situation can be summarized by four factors. The first factor is to clearly identify the moral agent. Whose actions will bring about the technology-induced change? The frameworks and discussions presented here will be helpful because they point to a variety of possible forms of agency. The next factor is the set of alternative courses-ofCOMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM. December 1995/Vol. 38, No. 12 55 action available to the agent. These are the realworld acts that will have an effect on the human system under consideration. Acts have consequences, hence the third factor: a delineation of the results that are expected to occur if each act is taken. Finally, it is essential to identify the stakeholders who will be affected by the consequences of the acts. A stakeholder is any individual, group, organization, or institution that can affect as well as be affected by an agent’s actions. In a word, stakeholders have an interest in what an agent does [3]. These four factors—agent, acts, results and stakeholders—are the basic facts from which an ethical analysis proceeds. Applying Ethical Theories Renowned medical ethicist William F. May refers to the method of ethical reflection as corrective vision. â€Å"Ethics supplies a type of corrective lens,† he observes, â€Å"and relies heavily on the distinction between what is and what ought to be† [4]. These four crucial factors serve to establish what is. For what ought to be we must turn to ethical theories. These theories are the prisms—the optometrist’s collection of lenses—through which we can observe reality and see the choices to make as we attempt to direct reality towards our ethical ideals. There are many, perhaps an infinity, of theories we might apply. The optics of ethics is very large indeed. We can be comforted in this effort, however, by the realization that the evolution of ethical thinking has resulted in four major themes. These are meta-lenses through which to look at an ethical situation. One theory emphasizes an agent’s duty. This theory seeks to create a good society by having people do the right things. As Immanuel Kant emphasized, there are prohibitions against taking some acts and obligations to take others. We have a prima facie or a priori duty, for example, to respect the autonomy of others according to one principle evolving out of this theory; any acts an agent might take that would invade a stakeholder’s privacy or right to choose for themselves should be avoided. More specifically, it is reasonable to assume members have a prima facie duty to adhere to the provisions of the ACM Code of Ethics. But, and this is a significant point, we may not always be obliged to do so. Subsequent theorists in this deontological vain, W. D. Ross in particular [5], have held that while these duties are compelling they are not definitive. When two or more duties come into conflict the agent must make a reasoned choice. For example, the advantages obtained from using email may be deemed to be more important than the exposure to loss of privacy it brings about. These moral losses, however, should be made explicit in making a moral choice. The same principle applies, as we will see, among theories themselves. The second great tradition is the pursuit of happiness. Applying this theory requires that we assess the consequences of the agent’s actions and deter56 December 1995/Vol. 38, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM mine how much pleasure or pain, good or bad, happiness or unhappiness, benefits or costs they inflict on stakeholders. The guiding principle, which originates with Bentham and Mill, is that an agent should choose an act resulting in the greatest good for the greatest number. The good society is reached according to this theory by doing good for others. However, since what is good for the collective-at-large may not be good for a given individual (or may violate a basic duty or right), advice emanating from this consequentialist tradition may conflict with advice deriving from other theories. A third great tradition is the pursuit of virtue. This theory focuses on improving the character or traits of the agent. The ancient Greeks averred that a moral person should take acts that enable and enhance the agent’s courage, prudence, temperance and justice. Their predecessors focused on accumulating individual power. â€Å"Might is right† formed the basis of their concept of virtue. One of their successors, St. Thomas Acquinas, drew on the Pauline tradition to add the more spiritual virtues of faith, hope and charity to the list. And, in the industrial age, industry, honesty, and trustworthiness were added because they were necessary for commercial relationships. All of these virtueoriented guides have the effect of creating a good society by having each agent be a good person. Finally, there is the tradition of the pursuit of justice. Justice requires that every stakeholder in the system should enjoy, so far as possible, an equal opportunity to develop his or her knowledge, skills and talents, and to reach his or her potentialities. This comes from fair dealing and right action and is usually based on rules that society has made, rules that should be the same for all and applied equally. The rules are based on criteria such as merit, need, work or other agreed-upon standards. The social contract theories to which several of the authors refer have emerged as a part of this tradition. The good society according to theories of justice is achieved by doing fairly, both in the fair allocation of privileges, duties, and goods, and in the meting out of punishments. When facing a moment-of-truth, one is well advised to view the situation through each of these ethical lenses. Each provides insight into the moral complexity of the issue being examined. Frequently, however, the guidance deriving from one of these theories will conflict with that of one or more of the others. This requires a moral judgment, one that shows how one theory or principle trumps another. The reasons behind the choice made should be grounded in at least one moral theory and justified accordingly. The pitting of facts against theories is a necessary —and the most important—aspect of deciding on an ethical issue. There are also four additional considerations to take into account: Who should decide? Who should benefit? How should the decision be made? And, how can the issue be prevented from arising in the future? Who Should Decide? Presumably if you are facing a moment-of-truth you are also engaged in a decision process. Should you go it alone? Often, not. Before an agent acts he or she should take into account the answers to two questions: 1) Which other stakeholders ought to participate in the making of this decision because of their knowledge, their values, or their interests? The voices of future generations should always be considered in this determination as well as the voices of contemporaries. 2) Which other stakeholders must take part in the decision and its implementation because of their institutional jobs, responsibilities or the resources they control? As debates on the basis of a â€Å"just war† have concluded, a decision that does not carry legitimacy or a reasonable probability of success is unlikely to lead to a satisfactorily moral outcome. Who Should Benefit from the Decision? Many stakeholders may be affected by a decision. Some of these outcomes should have been considered during the application of ethical theories to the situation at hand. Nevertheless, before enacting a choice one should assure himself or herself the benefits of the decision flow to morally justifiable parties and that no undue harm is done. How Should the Decision be Made and Carried Out? From a stakeholder’s point-of-view a decision cannot be separated from the way it is made and delivered. Whenever possible, important moral decisions should be made as the result of due process. Beyond any legal requirements, the processes by which decisions are made should be fair and they should follow established procedures when applicable. It is essential the parties who are potentially harmed by decisions, as well as those who are benefited, recognize the legitimacy of the decision-making process. This, however, is not enough. Decisions should be carried out in a humane, moral way. During the trumping process just described, some ethical principles or dictates are relegated to a secondary position. But they do not go away. A decision should be framed and fulfilled in a manner which maximizes the accomplishment of all of the ethical principles identified. All decisions should be carried out with due respect, in the sense that they should preserve the dignity of all stakeholders involved to the extent possible. How Can the Issue be Prevented from Arising in the Future? Every decision becomes a precedent in the future. A decision that resolves an acute and pressing moral issue today may not look so good in light of the passage of time. It may create worse problems than the ones it solves. Or, our moral reflection may reveal flaws in our institutions that can be—perhaps, should be—changed so the ethical issue at hand does not emerge again, at least in the same degree of intensity or severity. Thus, procedures and processes should be put in place, eliminating the root causes of this issue or handling it more effectively in the future. The essential question: In making this ethical decision, what sort of social transcript do we want to write? The last four considerations have a common thread: To be ethical, a decision-maker must think beyond just the facts and theories pertinent to the current issue. One must reach beyond the present and be sure to bring in additional voices, insure that ethical procedures are employed, adopt a humane style of conduct, and look to the future. Moving Ahead The articles in this issue form a rather gritty as well as a cerebral basis for getting on with the task of creating a good society in our information age. The ethics of being online, using tools such as email, and infusing of information technology into our lives in areas ranging from business process reengineering to installing large-scale systems are, arguably, among the most important ethical issues of our time. As good citizens in this information age we must be able to identify the crucial moments-of-truth in which our behavior as information professionals shapes the direction our society will take. By understanding the facts of each case, drawing on ethical traditions for guidance, and doing this with a concern for the broader implications of our actions, we can create the kind of ethical society we want. This is the challenge of our times [2]. C References 1. Anderson, R. E. , Johnson, D. G. , Gotterbarn, D. and Perrolle, J. Using the new ACM code of ethics in decision-making. Commun. ACM 36, 2 (Feb. 1993), pp 98–107 2. Mason, R. O. , Mason, F. M. , and Culnan, M. J. Ethics of Information Management. Sage, Thousand Oaks, Calif. , 1995. 3. Mason, R. O. and Mitroff, I. Challenging Strategic Planning Assumptions. Wiley, New York, 1981. 4. May, W. F. The Physician’s Covenant. Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1983. 5. Ross, W. D. Moral Duties. Macmillan, London, 1969. Richard O. Mason is Carr P. Collins Professor of Management Information Sciences at the Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. Parts of this article are based on material originally developed for Mason, R. , Mason, F. , and Culnan, M. Ethics of Information Management. Sage, Thousand Oaks, Calif. , 1995. Permission to make digital/hard copy of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.  © ACM 0002-0782/95/1200 $3. 50 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 1995/Vol. 38, No. 12 57.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Black Power Movement

America has seen itself change over and over again. America is the home of the free and the brave. However, this beautiful nation has not always been like this. America has had to go through many ups and many downs to beautify. Racial discrimination has played a huge role in American society. Even today, there are still racial inequalities. These racial inequalities are not as bad as they were in the early and mid nineteen hundreds though. Two of the biggest reasons that positive steps have been made towards eliminating racial inequality is the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Power Movement.These two events helped shape who Americans are today. While these two events did not totally eliminate racial discrimination, they were huge rolls in shrinking it. These two events have many things in common, but also many differences. Without the Black Power Movement and the Harlem Renaissance, America would not be where we are today. Even though African Americans were enjoying the new terrain in the United States, they could tell that there was still something missing. They did everything in their power to help stop against racial discrimination.They created new culture and went out of their ways to be viewed as a regular American. They referred to themselves as â€Å"New Negro’s† because they defined themselves by a sense of racial difference. They believed that they were living a totally different life and a whole new culture. Discrimination continued so the African Americans left the south to head to bigger and better cities with more opportunity. Many African Americans headed to New York and mainly Harlem. While here the â€Å"New Negro’s† started an uproar of their culture called the Harlem Renaissance.This event started in Harlem, the upper portion of Manhattan. The event turned Harlem in to a center of art and creativity. The Harlem Renaissance gave birth to many important African Americans. Multiple novelists and artists were born. The â€Å"New Negro’s† began to explore American blackness in America during the nineteen twenty’s and it’s origins from Africa. One of the first noticeable events of the Renaissance came after a man named Charles Johnson organized a civic club dinner.Johnson constructed this dinner for the releasing of a book that had been written by a black author that Johnson believed had potential. The dinner was a total success and white people enjoyed the book. For the first time in history, white operated publishing houses published books that were written by Negros. Better than that, some white people started to promote the books as well. The Harlem Renaissance also helped influence black musicians to perform in front of white people. The Harlem Renaissance for the first major step that Americans took on the way to becoming civilized.The Renaissance gave birth to music, art, literature, and dance throughout Harlem and America. This wonderful event however came to an end in the mid nineteen thirty’s. The great depression played a role in ending this marvelous event. Financial needs became more important than the expression of art and music. Many Blacks artists from the Renaissance had to leave Harlem to find jobs in other places. Even with having to move some of the African American writers art continued to still be published. The Black Power Movement played out in a far more violent way than the Harlem Renaissance.More than 300 race riots broke out between nineteen sixty four and nineteen sixty nine. These riots really put the gap between a great society and the reality of an African American in to perspective. More and more violence was spread throughout Harlem when a fifteen year old Black boy was shot by a white police officer in nineteen sixty four. In August of nineteen sixty five things went from bad to worse. In just five days, more than one thousand fires had been burned, and thirty four lives had been taken in Los Angeles.The Bl ack Power Movement developed a saying. Stokely Carmichael said, â€Å"What we are gonna start saying now is Black Power! †. This saying was interpreted in many different ways. The most common interpretation cam from the Black Panthers though. The Black Panthers were initially started to protect the black neighborhoods from the white officers. The group was formed in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The Panthers also started schools and tried to promote peace. However, they ended up becoming known for their violence.Because of the Black Panthers violence, the Black Power saying became known as hostile to both blacks and whites. The Black Power Movement also sparked the freedom of speech movement at the University of California at Berkley in nineteen sixty four. Americans had not seen anything like the protests at Berkley and these protests lead to â€Å"counterculture†. Counterculture was all about rock and roll music, drugs, and sex. Countercultur e gave us bands like The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones. Students then rebelled even further to demand that dorms should be a mix between male and female.The Black Power Movement brought a whole new outlook to America. Although there was a lot of violence going on during this time, America took positive steps as well. Americans are still affected by this movement today. The Black Power Movement slowly came to and end in the early nineteen seventy’s, yet we still feel the effects today. The Harlem Renaissance and Black Power Movement have many things in common, yet have just as many differences. Both of these crucial events blossomed very important black and white people.The Harlem Renaissance focused more on the art of music and literature, while the Black Power Movement was more about the reality of an African American. They both had a huge impact on Americans, whether the impact was positive or negative. These two events were very different as well. The violence in the Har lem Renaissance was nothing compared to the violence in the Black Power Movement. The Black Power Movement killed multiple people while the Harlem Renaissance did the complete opposite. The Harlem Renaissance sparked more of an art and literature movement.Without the Black Power Movement and the Harlem Renaissance, America would not be where we are today. These two events are major in American History. America is known as the home of the free and the brave. However, America has not always been this way and even today we still suffer from racism and segregation. Racial inequalities played a huge role back during this events. If there was no racial inequalities none of these events probably would have happened. America is shaped the way we are today because of the events of our country’s past.Works Cited

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discussion Question 1 Week 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Question 1 Week 4 - Assignment Example The restaurant will require about $150,000 in order to be operational. The Smart fast food restaurant will be organized as a partnership business. This is because I intend to start the business in partnership with Mr. Johnson. We will hire three kitchen cooks who will be involved in preparing the fast foods. We will also need to hire one waiter and two customer support staff. Moreover we will also need to hire two sales persons. I will act as the human resource manager while Johnson will act as the sales manager. However, the Smart food restaurant aims at increasing the number of the employee as the business progresses. The Smart fast food restaurant will be stated with a capital base of $150,000. Johnson and I will contribute $50,000 as the starting capital the rest of capital will be borrowed from commercial banks. The following is an outline of the proposed financial plan This refers to the amount of money needed to cater for the initial cost in order to start a business. It includes the money required to purchase all the materials required to a start the business. In this case smart food restaurant requires about $80,000 for its start up cost. The monthly expenses refer to the cost the business is likely to incur at the end of the month. These costs include the cost of paying for insurance, and the cost of paying its employee. In this case the Smart fast food restaurant will require $50,000 to cater for its monthly cost This refers to the various sales estimates that the business aims at achieving at the end of certain period. In this case, the Smart food restaurant estimates that at the end of the month it will make sales worth $120,000. The smart fast food restaurant will mainly target to sell its food products to the business people found in the Los Angelis town. This is because most of the business people find it hard to leave their business to a have lunch in a hotel. The business will also target the college students since they also like

Friday, September 27, 2019

Security Planning and Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Security Planning and Assessment - Essay Example One specific example of sustainable planning is the requirement that programs, policies, practices and processes are integrated across levels of authority-that is, everyone should know about it. According to EDAW (1999):   One of the lingering concerns of U.S. Department of Homeland Security is whether or not the department should assume protection duties for private-sector critical infrastructure facilities (which includes cargo terminals, utility plants, food stocks, and laboratories). The Department already has a plan on protecting even private infrastructure. According to the Homeland Security Website (n.d.): The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) and supporting Sector-Specific Plans (SSPs) provide a coordinated approach to critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR) protection roles and responsibilities for federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector security partners. The NIPP sets national priorities, goals, and requirements for effective distribution of funding and resources which will help ensure that our government, economy, and public services continue in the event of a terrorist attack or other disaster. Risk management framework establishing processes for combining consequence, vulnerability, and threat information to produce a comprehensive, systematic, and rational assessment of national or sector risk. ( from the Homeland Security Website, n.d.). The government should indeed play a part in protecting even private-sector infrastructures, as long as it does not interfere with the internal system. I think that, as long as the principles of this branch of the government are in-line with the principles of the private sector, misunderstandings due to conflict of interests will not arise. We cannot ensure that the private security agencies can adequately meet the needs of the company, especially if most of its activities require public interaction-which is the concern of the Department of Homeland Security. The Department should indeed assume protection duties, as long as it does not impair the private sectors internal system.  If I am a security manager of a nuclear power plant, and I have observed that my security officers and planners have little regard for each other, I will address the matter immediately-so as not to risk the security of the power plant. Being a security manager, and having to re-conciliate different views an d opinions from security officers and security planners will not be easy.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Property rights under land laws Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Property rights under land laws - Case Study Example Similarly, a lease is a payment made by a person to the owner of the property for his or her use of the property. In this case, a verbal lease was agreed between Imran and Zac and Julie. We will discuss, how Emile, can treat a verbal lessee, after gaining control of the property in the latter part of this essay. Similarly, this case will also look at the position under which Aunt Mildred is in because her share in the property is not documented and how things could have been different if her share would have been documented. JULIE AND ZAC sells the property which was registered in their name to Emile. In other words, the rights of ownership of land are transferred from ZAC and JULIE to EMILE. However, even after the ownership of the land has changed, the parties to whom the property rights were granted in the form of lease, easement and deeds remain intact. In other words, it is binding upon EMILE to honour these rights. The proprietary nature of the rights is such that it is enforceable on parties other than the original signatories of these contracts. This relationship is expressed in FIGURE 2. The above clause clearly shows the fact that Imran, Rajindar are going to continue to enjoy these rights provided by the original owners Zac and Julie. These rights are supported by the LAW in section LPA1925.2 However, as far as Aunt Mildred is concerned, she might face difficultly as her name is not registered as partial owner and her share is not documented unlike Zac and Julie. Since, her name is not included as the partial owner of property, she is not the rightful owner of the property and she has not legal rights over the property in legal terms. As a result of this, unless Zac and Julie decide to pay her back, or she hires a tactful lawyer to have her claim over Zac and Julie settled, she enjoys no rights over the p

Arizona v. Gant (2009) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Arizona v. Gant (2009) - Essay Example The court ruled in favor of the defending and held that in the case of Arizona V. Gant the search conducted by police officials was wrong and it let to Gant’s deprivation of 4th Amendment Rights (, 2015). The rationale behind the court’s ruling was that once the police have secured the suspects at the scene, the police officers cannot indulge in a search without a warrant. Furthermore the rationale was that the crime for which Gant was arrested was less severe in nature and did not require a search at all. The dissenting opinions were provided by Alito, Roberts, Kennedy and Breyer who argued that in this case the court was overruling its own solution that they opted for in the case of New York V. Belton. They argued that in that case the court allowed all officers to conduct a search in a suspect’s vehicle that has been stopped for violating traffic rules and same was the issue in Arizona V.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment in India and Indonesia Assignment

Foreign Direct Investment in India and Indonesia - Assignment Example   All the same, this attracted the attention of Global bond investors willing to evaluate and venture in either or both of countries’ economies (a favor that both needs); however, currently, most of the investors refrain from doing any investments with Indonesia and opt for India due to its constant growth. There are different perspectives of foreign direct investment across different countries around the world, depending on how much they contribute to the international economy and the various markets. India and Indonesia have developed over the years, generally Asia as a whole, but since challenges began affecting their economy, countries in other parts of the globe are keen on the investments they make. Currently, almost everyone is opting for India, not Indonesia, which is understandable, especially if the argument based on dissimilarities in the distribution of production influences and their comparative values. It is a competition between India and Indonesia since both of their markets are in critical situations, following the possible downfall of Asia’s economy, the main reason why parties are still questioning the idea of vetting for India. Evidently, both countries are developed, but today, there are minor differences between Modi and Widodo in terms foreign direct investment inflows and outflows. One thing is for sure, they are not constant. In fact, the only difference is that India’s bonds went up by 0.6%, on the other hand, Indonesia’s bonds might not have gone up by the nation’s economy developed, even more than most people expected. However, different countries have the dissimilar perception on matters and there is no positive way to justify why most of the investors are focusing on India; typically, India has its economic  blemishes.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Diciplinary procedures report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Diciplinary procedures report - Essay Example Protection which is required by the company from lawsuits coming from employees against whom disciplinary actions were taken and protection of the employees themselves from other employees (Armstrong, 2003). This is because there are certain legal requirements which have been placed on our company by various national and local bodies in terms of how they can and how they should respond to disciplinary issues within the organisation. For instance, an employee who has suffered sexual harassment within the company needs to be handled very carefully with the full application of the law. Similarly, an employee who has a grievance concerning racial discrimination may quickly turn to the law in order to seek redress. In these situations as well as others, documented formal disciplinary procedures can show the courts that the company did its part in ensuring an amicable settlement. As discussed by Mullins (2004), grievance and disciplinary related policies may have a certain differentiation between the level of which it is applied and these can be informal or formal. For minor lapses in judgement by employees, the company may have to trust the management or the immediate supervisor in considering the breach of discipline a minor one for which verbal warnings or a quite conversation over lunch can be considered disciplinary action enough. However, in some situations there may be aggrieved parties who need to see some action being taken against an individual where a formal disciplinary policy becomes necessary. In such cases, a formal disciplinary policy has to outline what action will be taken by the management for a violation of the code of ethics, the company policies, and bylaws of the company as well as the laws under which the company operates. While the documentation and procedural adherence for smaller disciplinary issues should be done as a matter

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 6

Finance - Essay Example Therefore, for those organizations, the cost of capital can be measured through a weighted average method that can be termed as weighted average cost capital. In specific, the execution of cost of capital is due to figure out the hurdle rate that the companies come across with and are supposed to overcome in order to generate earnings. This method is widely exploited during the process of capital budgeting to identify the risk or favorable scenario for the company to proceed with a concerned project (Droms and Wright, 2010, pp. 31-34). From the financer’s standpoint, the investors are looking for respective profit over the company’s existing securities portfolio, which is used to assess a companys new project, because it is expected return that the investor is anticipated for providing funds, with the lowest rate of return, thereby establishing a benchmark that should be adhered by the new project (Pedell, 2006, pp. 26-31). The main perspective of this assignment is to analyze the cost of capital, which often known as Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of the chosen organization. The company that has been chosen for the same analysis is Tesco Plc. Tesco Plc is a British based multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer with its headquartering located in England, United Kingdom (UK). Tesco Plc is known as the second largest retailer in the world after the Wall-Mart. The company earned net revenue amounting to  £70.894 billion in the year 2013 with net income amounting to  £124.0 million in the same year. The method which has been used for computing the WACC of the selected company comprises on two different aspects, which are cost of debt and cost of equity. The formula of WACC institutionalized to cumulate cost of debt and cost of equity by applying relevant amount of weights with these elements. The justification of this particular method lies in the fact that this method has the tendency to analyze the cost of capital of the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mercedes Benzs E-Biz Solution Essay Example for Free

Mercedes Benzs E-Biz Solution Essay The fact that we would be one of the first car manufacturers in the United States to have a factory delivery program would be seen as a very positive thing in this regard. William Engelke, Assistant Manager, IT Systems, Mercedes Benz US International, commenting on the FDRS. Linking Customers By 2000, Mercedes Benz United States International (MBUSI), builder of the high-quality MClass sports utility vehicle (SUV), established itself as a company that also delivered superior customer services. One such service was the delivery option where by the customer could take delivery of the vehicle at the factory in Alabama, US. The program called the Factory Delivery Reservation System (FDRS), enabled MBUSI to create and validate 1800 orders per hour. FDRS also automatically generated material requirements and Bills of Material1 for 35,000 vehicles per hour. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution that made FDRS possible was based on Lotus Domino2 and IBM Netfinity3 server4. Analysts felt that with its innovative use of the new program, MBUSI not only managed to improve its customer relations by providing the best service, but also demonstrated its commitment to customers by making them an integral part of the process. Customers were, in a way linked directly to the factory floor – which was a powerful sales tool. Background: Mbusi and its Business Challenges MBUSI was a wholly-owned subsidiary of DaimlerChrylser AG. 5 In 1993, Daimler Benz realized that the Benz brand could be extended to wider market segments. Traditionally, Mercedes Benz6 appealed to older and sophisticated customers only. Daimler Benz wanted to attract customers below 40 years of age, who wanted a rugged vehicle with all the safety and luxury features of a Mercedes. Daimler Benz decided to develop a SUV known as the M-Class. It expected strong demand for the new vehicle and therefore planned to build its first car-manufacturing facility – MBUSI – in the (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) US. The MBUSI facility had many advantages. First, labor costs in the US were almost half that of in Germany. Second, the US was the leading geographic market for SUVs. Third, as the vehicles were assembled in the US, they could be distributed to Canada and Mexico more efficiently. In January 1997, the factory started production at partial capacity and by the end of the year, it was producing at full capacity. By 2000, the factory was rolling out around 380 vehicles per day. The new M-Class „allactivityvehicle represented a new concept for the company. Also, mass customization required that each vehicle be treated as a separate project, with its own Bill of Material. To deal with these challenges, Daimler Benz decided to implement an enterprise wide Information Technology (IT) system, with the help of IBM Global Services7. To further strengthen the image of Mercedes Benz in the US, MBUSI planned to deliver vehicles at the factory, becoming the first international automobile manufacturer in the US to do so. MBUSI also wanted to enrich the customersexperience. Commented William Engelke, â€Å"The factory delivery option gives Mercedes-Benz customers something that they do not get from other automobile manufacturers which is why we think the program will resonate with our customers. We think that having the factory delivery program available to Mercedes customers adds to the overall experience of the customer. † The Design of FDRS The FDRS program was proposed in the first quarter of 1998. In the third quarter of 1998, MBUSI entered into a contract with IBM. A development team was constituted with IBM Global Solutions specialists and IBM e-commerce developers, who worked closely with MBUSI. The program became operational by the first quarter of 1999. The IT team at MBUSI had a clear set of functional specifications for FDRS. However, they relied on IBM to transform the concept into an e-business solution. The FDRS was designed in such a way that customers buying the M-Class SUV could specify that will take delivery of their new vehicle at the factory. They could place the order at any of the 355 Mercedes Benz dealers in the US. An authorized employee at the dealership entered the factory delivery order the web interface. Timing was the most important aspect of the FDRSfunctionality, as it was closely linked with MBUSIs vehicle production schedule. Mercedes Benz United States of America (MBUSA)8, based in Montvale, NJ, was the first link in the FDRS program. It was the point where the dealer actually placed the order. MBUSAs role was to coordinate the distribution of vehicles to dealers across the country. Later, it had to add the order to the companys Baan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)9system, which scheduled the order for production. About three months before the production date, the dealer could schedule in a window, the date and time of arrival of the customer at the factory for delivery. The window was then automatically computed by the FDRS to give the dealer, the possible delivery dates. Apart from the delivery date, the customer could also specify the accessories for the car and also request a factory tour. FDRS was based on Lotus Domino (Refer Exhibit I), Lotus Enterprise Integrator10 and IBM Netfinity servers. It also interfaced with IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server, Model 9672-R45 located in Montvale, NJ (Refer Figure I). There were two Domino servers – an IBM Netfinity 5500 and an IBM Netfinity 3000. FIGURE I SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE OF FDRS Source: MBUSI The former that acted as the „internal Domino serverwas placed behind a firewall 11. It replicated databases through the firewall to the external server. The replication, which was encrypted, represented the primary means by which the FDRS system achieved security. Netfinity 3000 acted as an „external Domino server. It had public information and was also the primary communication linkage for dealers. The ack-end of the FDRS was equipped with an Oracle database that updated the internal Domino server database with order information. The updation was done using Lotus Enterprise Integrator. The data which was replicated to the internal Domino server included lists of valid dealers and lists of order numbers. When an order was placed by the dealer on the FDRS system, the data was first stored on the external Domino server, after which it w as replicated to the internal Domino server. Then it was replicated to the back-end database via the Lotus Enterprise Integrator. Data replication between the Lotus Notes servers happened every 15 minutes and data exchange with the back-end database three times per day. There was also a link between the back end database and an IBM S/39012 mainframe based system located at MBUSA via a T113 line. MBUSA managed the flow of vehicles to Mercedes dealers across the United States. This mainframe based system, received new vehicle orders (as opposed to factory delivery reservation requests) from individual dealers. The orders were then sent to MBUSIs Baan system and also to the back-end database. The vehicle ordering and factory reservation data were coordinated with each other when the back-end database uploaded the data to the internal Domino server. This coordinated the production and delivery information. FDRS Implementation One of the most challenging aspects of the implementation seemed to be the complexity of the Lotus and Domino scripts. The development team had to group all the information from diverse systems. Commented William Engelke, â€Å"There was a substantial amount of very complex coding involved in the FDRS solution. This application involves a lot more than having our dealers fill out a form and submitting it. There are many things the servers have to do for the system to function properly, such as looking at calendars and production schedules. We built a solution with some very advanced communication linkages. † IBM faced many technical challenges during the implementation of the program. One of them was the different timing schemes of the Lotus Notes databases and backend databases (ERP). This led to discrepancies in the data. Domino server was a Near Real Time (NRT) Server14, and MBUSIs backend activities were both real time15and batch processing16. Also, to get the best results, the Domino server was an optimised subset of the ERP table set17. However, the development team achieved a balance between the two „sidesof the solution by focusing on issues of timing, error detection schemes, and alerts. Customer Satisfaction: FDRS Primary Benefit MBUSI seemed to measure FDRSsuccess in terms of increased satisfaction of its customers. The company also believed that the marketing and customer satisfaction aspects outweighed the significance of more traditional cost-based benefits. Apart from the factory delivery experience, the program also offered the customer a factory tour and ride on the off-road course at a low cost. The company also seemed to gain strategic marketing benefits from the FDRS program, as it was able to establish Mercedes-Benz as a premium brand. (Refer Table I for advantages of FDRS in different areas). Customers could also visit the various tourist spots in Alabama after picking up their M-class vehicles. TABLE I ADVANTAGES OF THE FDRS PROGRAM AREA Strategic Marketing Benefits Cost Savings ADVANTAGES FDRS was expected to improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, as it enriched Mercedes customers experience. The program also strengthened the brand image of Mercedes in the US. Development of a web-based solution enabled MBUSI to offer the factory delivery program at substantially lower costs, due to less reliance on administrative personnel. â€Å"Package Marketing† the FDRS program with a ride to tourist sites, enhanced the image of Alabama as a tourist destination. The creation of a similar – albeit smaller – factory delivery system to the European Customer Delivery Center in Sindelfingen, Germany, reflected favorably on the MBUSI business unit. Source: MBUSI Regional Economic Development DaimlerChrysler AG Future of FDRS In 2000, MBUSI planned to leverage FDRSplatform by adding a range of other services. MBUSI built an advanced platform to create communication links to its suppliers. Through the link, MBUSI provided them feedback on the quality of supplies it received. The dealers and suppliers had a user-ID and password, which the system recognized. It then routed them into the appropriate stage of the FDRS. The company also planned to extend the innovative system to include transactional applications such as ordering materials and checking order status on the Web. The company expected that the new system based on FDRS, would be more cost-effective than the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)18 system. ] Bill of Material keeps track of all raw materials, parts, and subassemblies used to create a finished product. 2] A product of IBM Corp. , Lotus Notes and Domino R5 are the industrys leading client/server combination for collaborative messaging and e-business solutions. 3] The IBM Netfinity server offers solutions for file-and-print and application computing needs. 4] A computer or de vice on a network that manages network resources. For example, a file server is a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files. Any user on the network can store files on the server. A print server is a computer that manages one or more printers, and a network server is a computer that manages network traffic. A database server is a computer system that processes database queries. 5] DaimlerChrysler AG was the result of a merger between two leading car manufacturers – Daimler Benz of Germany and Chrysler Corp. of the US in 1998. 6] A luxury brand of passenger cars, Sports Utility Vehicles from DaimlerChrysler. 7] IBM Global Services is the services and consultancy division of IBM Corp. that offers extensive ebusiness solutions. 8] MBUSA is the wholly owned US subsidiary of DaimlerChrylser. ] ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments particular needs. 10] A server-based data distribution product that enables data exchange between Lotus Domino and a number of host and relational applications. 11] A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or f rom a private network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria. 12] The IBM S/390 servers offer direct high speed access to the e-business application and are used for Enterprise Computing. 13] A dedicated phone connection supporting data rates of 1. 544 Mbits per second. A T1 Line actually consists of 24 individual channels, each of which supports 64 Kbits per second. Each 64 Kbit per second channel can be configured to voice or data traffic. 14] The NRT Server System supports real time distribution of near-real time data. 5] Real time refers to events simulated by a computer at the same speed that they would occur in real life. 16] Executing a series of noninteractive jobs all at one time. The term dates back to the days when users entered programs on punch cards. They gave a batch of these programmed cards to the system operator, who fed them into the computer. Usually, batch jo bs are stored up during working hours and then executed whenever the computer is idle. Batch processing is particularly useful for operations that require the computer or a peripheral device for an extended period of time. Once a batch job begins, it continues until it is done or until an error occurs. Note that batch processing implies that there is no interaction with the user while the program is being executed. 17] The ERP tables are the database tables, (thousands of them), on which the package is built. The programmers and end users must set these tables to match their business processes. Each table has a decision „switchthat leads the software down one decision path or another. 18] EDI connects all the suppliers in and out of the US. www. icmrindia. org/free resources/casestudies/Mercedes Benz-ITSystems-Case Studies. htm

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mass Media Advertising Invasion Influence Media Essay

Mass Media Advertising Invasion Influence Media Essay In the mass media as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, and Internet, are designed to communicate and transmit to an unlimited number of people at one time activities, events, events of various kinds, for example sports cultural, social, commercial, historical, academic, etc. Also, give the latest news and give an overview of everything that happened in the world. It is of great importance for society, since these media people realize what happens, and through these media, is held in a very important activity that is advertising, too. This is a movement which is used to distribute or inform the people about products and services. Its main objective is to motivate each individual to consume the product by striking and attractive the commercial. All type of advertising is negative towards people, because the purpose of advertising is to develop the desire to acquire, this or that product, manipulating their minds selling an imaginary happiness and a fictitious reality. Many people argue that advertisement is good because through it they got informed about new things, things that help to everyone to be actualized as in the technology, but also, in offers, or events around the world, and this is an acceptable point. It is a good way of see how the advertisements influences everyones life. Otherwise, the majority of the information that is distributed every day to each citizen is, in some cases, manipulated. This information distributes just what is convenient for some people or organization. These organizations may be the government, city, culture, language, and country, between other. Some favorable examples are in electoral elections, crime or economic problems. Where in the majority of the countries, the government buys the channels and suborns to do not inform about events that may prejudices their career or stance in power. For many professional traders advertising is their source of employment or a means by which they generate their income. Advertisers are specialists in marketing new products or services, and thus get the customer to identify with the product. Its aim is to produce sales or increase them about it. All this was accomplished with a detailed work designed to convince the audience to be aware of the product for sale or mark so they can start buying. However, the advertising, paid by a business advertiser, select and multiply those values that we wish to emphasize and discard those that do not favor their persuasive strategy. The power that advertisement has is too much powerful, and may prejudice more than it helps. as many of the advertisements are not made with only the fact to inform and help people, if not most of the advertising channel uses time that stereotype, especially with the young people, because cause an imbalance in mind and health. Advertising is always looking for ways to how to influence and manipulate the minds of people regardless of age, sex and ethnicity, using resources, tactics and procedures, such as colors, shapes, environments, characters, sounds, time, inter alia, to convince the consumer that the product offered is the best, it is necessary, and that it is on the possibilities of everyone. This will have an impact on the socialization of young people, but they convey a stereotyped image of them, which is dominated by fun, dynamic and superficial. This image ends up being borne by young people themselves. Advertising also uses stereotypes to reinforce their marketing messages. Through research, analysis and study of many disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, statistics, and economics, which are found in the market survey, it can develop an appropriate message to the public. The study by professors at the School of Communication at the University of Navarra jointly with the Council Audiovisual de Navarra, deals with the effects of advertising on young people today, and concludes that the values are transmitted through advertising help or favors that adolescents have attitudes of irresponsibility, consumerism and superficiality to life. The stereotypes that are displayed in television commercials profiles are limited to artificial and remote from real life, under the law of the aesthetic ideal, presenting ideas on youth collective surface. The strong pressure of advertising on minors, it becomes detrimental to the extent that they receive messages unreal perceived as natural, which can cause a marked dissatisfaction upon entering adulthood. Attractive images, the great value placed on leisure and entertainment over other principles, inappropriate sexual stereotypes, these are among others the ideas that are classified as harmful and negative influence on the values that teenagers are absorbing as develop. Lastly, based on these results, it calls for a greater commitment to undertake joint action, proceeding to develop attitudes of responsibility, equality, and transcendence of life. In an investigation conducted by the Foundation for Assistance to Drug Addiction (FAD) is revealed that in ads targeted at young people, are highlighted values such as consumerism, hedonism, independence, transgression, prestige, adventure, while they are other underrepresented as a compromise, friendship, effort, and solidarity. There is a marked tendency towards individualistic hedonism are deficient while the values that foster social effort and commitment. Most young people identify with their main characters in the novel, favorite singers, or models. Which in most of the time these come in commercials advertising products that in view of each of these young people is what makes them look perfect and unique. In Fact, youth buy advertised products for them and in a way that makes them feel sure of themselves. This is a good way to see how advertising could motivate young people to feel better about themselves. On the contrary, advertising with youth people is a value that sells well. Young people who appear in it respond to a stereotype of young fun, dynamic, handsome, successful and attractive: a canon elusive. We propose a body aesthetic that emphasizes thinness, for them, and athletic bodies, in their case. Surveys show that many of the teenagers are not considered at ease with his image. 50% of them are considered overweight, with girls most affected by this negative image. The eagerness of many young people respond to such stereoty pes leads them in many cases, to adopt habits and attitudes that sometimes threaten their physical safety. Diseases such as anorexia and Vigorexia are becoming more common among adolescents. Although, it has increased in recent years the number of men affected by anorexia, girls remain in a ratio of one to ten, suffer the most. In advertising the image of the boys is more related to the effectiveness or the athletes, so one disease that is beginning to being detected is now the Vigorexia, an excessive desire to acquire an athletic-looking body. In recent times problems on advertisements which include young women have been surfacing having them in a sense of low self confidence when they are not perfect, and girls think that they are disappointments, and that no one will accept them. It has been proven that their low self confidence has led to eating disorders, depression, and mental development. It is the major problem of advertising with thin models and expressing that being thin is healthy and is the best way to feel good about her; however, models do not acknowledge that this leads to a live or death situation. The advertisement influences in young women on the today dates. It is a big problem with the slim models. Those kinds of advertisements tell to young women how to dress, look and feel like accepted girls using clothes and being thin as the models on the magazines do. Many young women in particular, look up to these people and take ideas from them about how they should look and act. Some advertisements attract the young womens attention using celebrities showing them as a perfect person. According Health Education Research, a total of 42 participants were interviewed in seven geographic regions of the United States. In groups of three, participants were shown seven print and TV advertisements for weight-loss products and asked to share their interpretations of each ad. Common factors in girls interpretation of weight loss advertising included responding to texts emotionally by identifying with characters; comparing and contrasting persuasive messages with real life experiences with family members; using prior knowledge about nutrition management and recognizing obvious deceptive claims like rapid or permanent weight loss. Girls were less able to demonstrate skills including recognizing persuasive construction strategies including message purpose, target audience and subtext and awareness of economic factors including financial motives, credibility enhancement and branding. Making consumers feel insecure could be considered as one way to advertise and, if not the most effective, one of them. Advertising reveals the latest fashions and the new popular novelties on the market. However, advertising is a patchwork of successes and failures, benefits and disadvantages, wonders and dangers. Clients observe how models look perfect and customers buy what the models are using to look as the models do. Copying the models of the magazines could be one of the objectives of every woman to be popular in the today days; also, doing it girls feel attractive and they think that is the best form to take the attention of a boy. If the young woman uses what the thin model is using, she will feel accepted. It may be the intention, that a woman who is looking at the advertisement does the same as the model on the magazine is doing. Some girls think that if they are not the most perfect possible they are not pretty and there is when a depression comes after it. Furthermore, being an accepted member of society has become very important to most individuals, and be accepted today is just being a copy of the models who appear in magazines and buying the same clothes models suppose to buy, the make-up, including food they supposed to eat or not eat. If a young girl thinks that be thin is being healthy and be attractive and popular it may be because she could read it on a magazine or saw it on a commercial or only because she heard it by other girl that was influenced by advertisements. The majority of advertisements today tell young girls how to dress, how to be physically thin and how to feel good with their own. However, it does not mean that it is the hundred percent truths. It may be only a mirage of what it is being perfect. To be loved, pretty or accepted in a society is not necessary be as a model or as a celebrity. Whether the kids are asked about the advertisements, they will say that it is magnificent, because they learn about new toys, food that it is delicious and then when they go to the store they will tell their parents to buy those things because they saw it on television or internet and it was beautiful, it will make their dreams true and will be happy having this product. This is the purpose of the advertisement of make the adults, teenagers, and kids, feel with the necessity of acquire that dream announced in the commercial. In contrast the advertisement do not just influences in young people, kids in the form how to dress or act, it also prejudices to the health every time the kind is using the mass media watching TV or playing the video games and using the computer. According to a recent study, teens are constantly targeted by TV advertisements for food. The average U.S. teen sees about 6,000 of them a year! Most of the ads are for unhealthy junk foods, sugary cereals, fast-food re staurants, and soft drinks. Food manufacturers spend billions of dollars each year trying to get teens to see their ads. Experts think this can lead to bad eating habits and health problems. According to the article, Dr. Edward Palmer, a professor who studies TVs effects on children, was asked if he thought there was a connection between these food ads and health trends among young people. There is a direct link, he told. He also believes that the ads send an unrealistic message: Youll have fun if you get this food. Youll be accepted by your friends, Dr. Palmer said. Also, Omar Estrada, a 9th-grader from Illinois, is no stranger to food ads. Its about half of what I see when I watch TV, he told. And Taylor Simmons, a 6th-grader from South Carolina, said that after seeing a commercial for a fast-food restaurant: Sometimes you cannot help but go to McDonalds. You feel like you have to go!(Entin). The advertisement is not just what is shown in the internet, radio, magazines, etc. it is also the gifts they do if you by that items. For example, if a kid goes to McDonalds and he buys a happy meal some of the cases he or she do not buy this food because he was hungry or because he likes the food, he wanted it because there is a obsequious, that commonly are characters of the resent kids movie or the favorite cartoon. All things considered, advertisement does not project the favorable information that should. Advertisement or publicity may be criticizes but, when consumed, every one is influenced by it. In one hand, advertising has an influence in certain individuals as positive, motivation them to realize their cherished dreams, but on the other hand, advertisement manipulates the minds of the people to sell or make as know the product and the service. The advertisement, besides of the people will think that it will beneficiate their style life, obtaining information, or founding offers in supplies, or being actualized with all the new products in sell, it will do that every person beyond of being informed with manipulated information or with an fictitious happiness may be danger with a problem of low stamen or health. The majority of the teenagers follow as example to their idols that are shown on magazines, television, and so copying their dress style or how they are physically, as conclusion, bringing to them problems starting with the absence of originality in their own or diseases as anorexia or vogorexia.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Revolutionary War :: essays research papers

The Revolutionary War was an enormous part of American history. The revolution in Russia, that sparked the overthrow of communism, was a huge part of Russian history. The revolution of Christianity from the concepts of Greek gods was also a large part of religious history. Christianity and Greek gods have many comparisons, contrasts, and these contrasts resulted in Christianity being revolutionary. The concepts of Christianity and the religious concepts of the Greek gods are comparatively alike. To begin, in both religions, humans believe that there are speakers for their God/gods. Gods do not speak to mere mortals. These people are the priests who teach of the gods ¹ ways and wants. Some are fortune tellers or prophets, as they were called in Greek times, that foretell the future. For example, Tiriesias, in the plays Oedipus the King and Antigone, was a blind prophet who could see the future and foretell it to people. In Greek times the prophets were of high social status. Also, the people believe that their God or gods are above all human ranks. They believe a god is above all and listens to people when they need help. This is why humans pray to the God/gods for forgiveness. The two religious views also believe that the God/gods are watching over their followers. The God/gods decide either before or after a person ¹s life on earth where the person will live in the afterlife, depending on the person ¹s values. Both believe one would either go to a bad place, called Hell or Hades, or a good place, called heaven or the Elysian Fields. Likewise both believe in an afterlife that is eternally chosen. The ideas of the followers of Christianity and Greek religions are also very different. To begin, Christians believe in one almighty God. This is also known as monotheism. Christians believe this God gave the world his only son. When that son was put to death by a human, He told the people He would die to forgive their sins. This shows that God and His son were both caring and forgiving beings. They are respected by the followers of Christianity. God helps humans. Humans pray to this God for help and forgiveness. People also go to church to learn about their religion and to pay their respects to God. The church is thought to be God ¹s house. This is why people get dressed up and try to look nice when they are guests in God ¹s house. God and Jesus are thought to live in heaven. Greeks, however, are very different from Christians. They believe in many gods. This is also known as polytheism. These gods are mean and torture the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Amistad :: essays research papers

Amistad is about a mutiny in 1839 aboard a slave ship, La Amistad, which eventually comes to port in New England. The West Africans who have commandeered the ship are taken into custody and the plot revolves around who "owns" them or if, indeed, they should be freed. This sets up the main event of the film, a courtroom drama about rights and origins, with the required flashbacks to the voyage and the gruesome conditions aboard the ship. The problem with this approach is that we learn less about the real conditions of slavery and instead focus on the more sanitized conditions surrounding the courtroom. In addition, we get a film which is largely about the efforts of the whites battling the case and much less about the struggles of the Africans themselves. There are too many strands in the film which lead to no-where. At one point Cinque makes an interesting point of international law that might help the case. While the legal minds are inspired by his insight and initiative, the idea is quickly dismissed as unworkable and he plays almost no role in designing the case which might lead to his freedom. The events on the slave ship are even more scattered. Cinque is involved in a brief eye-contact relationship with a young woman but there is no development to give it emotional power. The women's ensuing death is as shocking as it is unexpected and while it works as a good visual, her undeveloped role as a real person results in the loss of any deeper meaning. Furthermore, the Amistad case is portrayed as a spark that helped ignite the Civil War, but the movie does not go into greater detail. It simply flashes ahead and shows that the Civil War had begun. Also, the fact that few strong personal bonds develop between the principal characters to give the story the emotional force that it needs hurts the dramatic level of the film. There is an obvious connection between the Africans' leader, Cinque, and the young lawyer working for his release. However, the strength of this budding relationship is unconvincing. Moreover, it is seriously disrupted when control of the defense team is taken over by the aging ex-president, John Quincy Adams. Furthermore, the movie lacked depth in the Supreme Courtroom. In Washington, only one side of the case is presented: that of the Amistad captives. Amistad :: essays research papers Amistad is about a mutiny in 1839 aboard a slave ship, La Amistad, which eventually comes to port in New England. The West Africans who have commandeered the ship are taken into custody and the plot revolves around who "owns" them or if, indeed, they should be freed. This sets up the main event of the film, a courtroom drama about rights and origins, with the required flashbacks to the voyage and the gruesome conditions aboard the ship. The problem with this approach is that we learn less about the real conditions of slavery and instead focus on the more sanitized conditions surrounding the courtroom. In addition, we get a film which is largely about the efforts of the whites battling the case and much less about the struggles of the Africans themselves. There are too many strands in the film which lead to no-where. At one point Cinque makes an interesting point of international law that might help the case. While the legal minds are inspired by his insight and initiative, the idea is quickly dismissed as unworkable and he plays almost no role in designing the case which might lead to his freedom. The events on the slave ship are even more scattered. Cinque is involved in a brief eye-contact relationship with a young woman but there is no development to give it emotional power. The women's ensuing death is as shocking as it is unexpected and while it works as a good visual, her undeveloped role as a real person results in the loss of any deeper meaning. Furthermore, the Amistad case is portrayed as a spark that helped ignite the Civil War, but the movie does not go into greater detail. It simply flashes ahead and shows that the Civil War had begun. Also, the fact that few strong personal bonds develop between the principal characters to give the story the emotional force that it needs hurts the dramatic level of the film. There is an obvious connection between the Africans' leader, Cinque, and the young lawyer working for his release. However, the strength of this budding relationship is unconvincing. Moreover, it is seriously disrupted when control of the defense team is taken over by the aging ex-president, John Quincy Adams. Furthermore, the movie lacked depth in the Supreme Courtroom. In Washington, only one side of the case is presented: that of the Amistad captives.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mexican Cartel Essays -- Drugs, Weapon, Trafficking

Mexican Cartel Drug War Mexico has a long history of cartels the deaths, drugs and weapon trafficking is in all time high increasing year by year. â€Å"Mexico's gangs have flourished since the late 19th century, mostly in the north due to their proximity to towns along the U.S.-Mexico border. But it was the American appetite for cocaine in the 1970s that gave Mexican drug cartels immense power to manufacture and transport drugs across the border. Early Mexican gangs were primarily situated in border towns where prostitution, drug use, bootlegging and extortion flourished† (Wagner). They keep themselves armed and ready with gun supplies shipped from the U.S, taking control of the drug trades. The violence is spilling so out of control that they overthrew the Mexican government. The cartels are now in control of most of the drug trades and are successful. The Mexican border gives them the power to go everywhere they desire, making them a relentless force. â€Å"To date operation Xcellrator has led the arrest of 755 individuals and the seizure of approximately 5 U.S. Currency more than 12,000 kilograms of cocaine, more than 16,000 pounds of marijuana, more than 11,000 of methamphetamine, more than 8 kilograms of heroin, approximately 1.3 million pills of ecstasy†(Doj 2). Mexican cartels extend to central and southern America. Columbia is the supply of much of the cocaine exported to the U.S. Colombia is under control of South American gangs, they do business with the Mexican cartels to transport drugs the north. The Northern Mexican gangs hold the most control because the territory is very important (Wagner1). They are many different types of cartel in Mexico it also signifies that there are killing each other so their cartel can expand an... ...g steps in helping out with any evidence we might know to the official authorities and FBIs. In doing all this we secure our borders by stopping gun flow, any types of drugs, kidnappings, murders, and the criminals causing it before it gets to out of control and start doing it on our side of the border. â€Å"We must employ the full spectrum of our law enforcement agencies` resources, expertise, and statutory authorities by continuing to work together, building on what we have done well so far and developing new ideas to refresh our strategies, we can rise to the current challenge. Again, thank you for your recognition of this important issue and the opportunity to testify here today† (Odgen6). Together, we can help the U.S and Mexico to work together more often to build a better border and a strong army of men designed for a better future in favor of the both nations.

Oliver Twist Essay

Oliver Twist is the second novel written by Charles Dickens. It is all about Oliver who was an orphan living the world of crimes in London. The novel was published in Bentley’s Miscellany in a monthly basis. George Cruikshank was the illustrator of the said novel. Criticisms and opinions were gathered y Dickens as introducing the world of crimes. He exposed to the world the life of criminals and prostitutes. With this criticisms and comments, he took the opportunity of presenting a good view of his composition. He did not take the critics in a negative way. Among the works of Dickens, Oliver twist is the presented in a dramatic form. Oliver twist appears in series of novel in 10 theaters in London. The novel was also made with 25 numbers of versions since it started in 1906. The Famous Roman Polanski was the also made his own version of Oliver Twist. In the Oliver Twist, Oliver was an infant born in a workshop. After the adaptation of Oliver, he the came to an infant farm where he came o develop himself and then get back to the working place. Orphans were put to the workhouse to get their selves a home to get into. In the workplace, the orphans were experiencing the inhumane and mistreatment. With these mistreatments, the orphans were put into starvation. Oliver was asked to stand before his comrades to talk with their masters about the issue. Troublemaker is also named or recognized after Oliver. He does some job for other person who wishes to take him (Dickens, 2003). Oliver outside the workplace life was uneasy at first. He was so tired and hungry. He didn’t expect that life was also misery. Jack Dawkins is one of the persons who help Oliver by giving him a place to stay. Even though, he was recently together with thieves, he was still finds people who help him. As he stays with Dawkins, he also works with him. He came to the world of pick pocketers. With his work with Dawkins, he was also accused for some crimes. With the crimes being accused for him, he came to experience the world of criminals and prostitutes. He had himself put into a world where there are many negative insights. The life of Oliver really became a misery when he came with the criminals and do some criminal works. His life was also nearly put to death when he once put into criminal work when he was shot. With this misery life of Oliver he came to know about his family roots. He came to know who his brother is. He talks with Maylies and Doctor Losberne about his misery life. He had a brother who is a monk and he was claimed to be an inherited to a monk. Oliver was also an inheritor of an estate which his father wrote in will before his father died. And because of this they wanted to have the inheritance of Oliver. In the end, Oliver made a life of good after he had also got the inheritance. Oliver Twist is of the great novel of Dickens. The novel presented a story of humor and wit. The novel is of poverty mode and of cruelty. Oliver Twist may e given recognition for his thoughts about the world and its great creativity of story. With this Novel of Dickens, he used some world views. He relates the Novel with religion world view. He uses some facts with the monks when tackling about the religion. He discussed that eve though the family of Oliver was of different religions, they were still putting the peace on their heart. With respect to the political view, the politics in the novel represents some deficiencies of the true form of politics in the whole wide world. It was presented and explained on the novel how the politics is some sort of injustice. The real politics and politics in this novel are neither really similar nor different. In the geographical view, the novel was situated in way that the geographical mode is of the same way with the time of the novel was presented. It was situated in a community where people experienced difficulties with respect to community of criminals ad prostitutes. The people in the novel were creating a way that the geographic position of the community is essential. Tackling with the social view, the author speaks for the truth about the social community. It is explained in the novel that people need other people to survive in the community. People are born for other people. No man is an island. In order to survive the cruelty of the world, one person should have great communication and social interactions with other people. And last but not the least, about the economic view. One of the great topics in this novel is about the economic view. It is presented here that in life of poverty and scruelty; people were doing unnecessary things just to make their life into fulfillment. People may do some crimes and other illegal works just to survive in the low economized community. The use of providing great world issues in the Novel is a way to provide creativity with the said religion, political, economical, social and geographical ways. The author, Charles Dickens have very wide thought about the current issues I his time that he came to develop a novel with story that relates to the whole wide world. I is necessary for him that he even does not have good experiences in writing had no acclaimed awards for his works he still make it expressive for him to provide meaningful Novel. The Novel in particular was really fascinating for the story it provides is viewers or readers, it catches most of the reader’s attention. It does not need o make some more great speculations for the story to make it interesting. It was interesting in many ways. With its thoughts and ideas, it is still interesting. List of Reference Dickens, C. Oliver Twist. New York. Penguin Books; 2003.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Serial Killer Edmund Kemper III

Serial Killer Edmund Kemp Ill For this project I have chosen to go with a serial murder by the name of Edmund Emil Kemp Ill. A serial murder is a murder of separate victims with some time breaks between them (Lyman, 2011, p. 307). The main characteristics off serial murder can vary because each Individual murder had their own â€Å"calling card† so to speak. For example my serial killer became known as the Co-Deed killer because he chose to kill young college girls during his killing spree.Also, another one of his characteristics loud be to dismember the victim's bodies and bury them In different places. Edmund E. Kemp Ill was born on December 13, 1948 In Burbank, CA. He lived a dysfunctional life due to his parents divorcing and remarrying when he was ten years old. After his parents divorced, his mother took Edmund along with his sisters where they would live by her very high standards and abusive ways. His mother criticized Edmund mentally by having him sleep in the basemen t because she feared he would harm his sisters.Because of this he hated his mother and he also started to have darted toward all women. Occasionally Edmund would break off the heads and hands of his sister's dolls and play a game he called â€Å"The gas chamber† in which he would execute the victim (Fisher, 2003). Edmund began his killings with his grandmother because he felt that she treated him as his mother did. So he took a . 22 caliber rifle and shot her In the back of the head and stabbed her multiple times. Furthermore, when his grandfather came home he also shot him.This would be Edmunds first time killing anyone. After he killed his grandparents, Edmund was intended to a juvenile maximum-security hospital where he would spend the remainder of his childhood. Edmund would be released to his mother at the age of 21 regardless of his doctor's wishes (Ramadan, 2006). Once Edmund returned home he applied for some jobs to include applying at the local police department. How ever, the police department rejected him because of his awkward size. He was still infatuation with becoming a police officer which landed him into their atmosphere.He would hang out at the local bars and courthouses that were adorned by police officers. Eventually, Edmund would become their friend and to many of them he was known as â€Å"Big Deed†. In his off time, he would cruise the highways picking up dozens of young female hitch-hikers so he could work on his approach to reach his goal of putting them at ease. Now that Kemp had reached his short -term goal of making killing spree went from 1972 to 1973 where he would murder six young female hitch- hikers: Mary Ann Peace, Anita Luckless, Kaki Kook, Cindy Shall, Roseland Thorpe, and Alice Line (Ramadan, 2006).He would kill these women dismember them, have sex tit their corpses, and bury them in odd areas. One of his victim's heads would wind up in his mother's garden as a Joke. Kemp always knew how to keep from getting ca ught and unbeknownst to the officers he made friends with; he would soon be identified as the Co-Deed killer. When all was done Kemp took his anger back into his home toward his mother. While his mother was in bed asleep, he used a claw hammer and hit her with it, and then he would decapitated her, remove her larynx and Jammed it down the garbage disposal (Fisher, 2003).After he finished with killing is mother he was still unsatisfied so he invited Sally Wallet (his mother's best-friend) over for a dinner in honor of his mom. Once she entered the house Edmund, clubbed her over the head, strangled her, and decapitated her as well. When he was done with killing his mom and her friend Edmund Kemp decided to call the police department and turn himself in; as this would be the last life that Edmund Kemp would be responsible for. Officers thought it was a Joke when he called in and giving the police all of the grizzly details of his actions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Discuss Dicken’s portrayal Essay

Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations in 1860. He wrote it about attitudes in Victorian England, towards children especially. Children were highly disciplined, and the main character in Great Expectations, Pip, was a typical example of a child of this time. Society in England at this time was built into two main classes- upper and lower. The middle class society, that is most common today, was just beginning to break through. Pip and his family, consisting of his sister, Mrs Joe Gargery, and her husband, Mr Joe Gargery, were a typical lower class family. They had a very normal lifestyle, with little or no education, a small house, with very little money, and a simple life. Great Expectations was set in Southern England, in the ‘marsh country, within, as the river wound, twenty miles from the sea. ‘ From this sentence, you can begin to build up a picture of Pip’s surroundings. Dickens uses harsh adjectives, such as ‘bleak, dismal, dark and savage’ to describe Pip’s world. By doing this, we get a real picture of how Pip lives. In a way, Dickens uses the environment around Pip, and compares it to Pip’s life. This brings me onto my next point. Pip must have had a very lonely childhood. His mother, father, and five brothers all died, and his sister, Mrs Joe, has unwillingly bought him up. She makes it blatantly obvious she doesn’t want him throughout his life, by making certain comments. â€Å"I may truly say I’ve never had this apron of mine off me, since born you were. It’s bas enough to be a blacksmith’s wife (and him being a Gargery) without being your mother. † Pip’s only friend is Biddy, and he also has a strong bond with Mr. Joe. Both him and Mr Joe are ‘fellow sufferers’ of Mrs. Joe’s strict ways, and this brings them closer together. They can confide in each other, and Joe is like Pip’s mentor. â€Å"Ever the best of friends, a’nt us, Pip? † Despite Mrs. Joe’s image of being harsh, a very, very independent, it is obvious she could not live without Mr. Joe, because, as with all households at this time, he is the ‘breadwinner’ and as she does not work, she could not survive without him. Pip is a very innocent, nai ve young boy. He does not understand things that happen in his life, he simply accepts them. Why Mrs Joe uses the ‘tickler’ on him, he does not know. When the reader gets to the part about the convict and the ‘hulks’, he doesn’t know why people are locked up, and cannot see the bad side of people. He fears Mrs.Joe, but he knows without her he would be dead, and she makes a point of telling him this. â€Å"If it warn’t for me you’d have been to the churchyard long ago, and stayed there. † When Pip meets the convict, he is understandably terrified. He immediately intimidates Pip, but although Pip is scared, he still treats him with respect, and calls him ‘sir. ‘ The convict threatens Pip, but still Pip is polite. † If you would kindly please to let me keep upright, sir, perhaps I shouldn’t be sick, and perhaps I could attend more. † This gives the reader the impression that Pip is very polite, and respectful to everyone, and he hides his feelings. For example, on Christmas day, when Mr Wopsle and uncle Pumblechook are saying how ungrateful he is, he does not retaliate and simply bites his tongue, because he does not want to be disrespectful to his elders. I think that this is the way Dickens wanted to portray Pip, so we would believe what Pip is saying, and see him as being innocent, and not really capable of lying to us. Pip and the convict can be seen as fairly similar, in a strange way. Once the convict learns of Pip’s background he begins to feel sorry for him, and I think that Pip feels sorry for the convict, because of his situation. It is also obvious that the convict trusts Pip, because he sends him for food, even when he knows Pip could easily tell on him, and he could get recaptured and sent back to the prison ship. Pip doesn’t tell on him, however, and returns with food. When the convict is finally recaptured, he makes up a story about breaking into the forge, and stealing the food, and he does not say Pip stole the food for him. Although the meetings between the two were short, they developed an understanding, and trusted each other. The way Dickens portrays the convict and Pip’s ‘friendship’ gives us an idea as to how trusting Pip is, and his kind nature and personality. â€Å"Something clicked in his throat, , as if he had works in him like a clock, and was going to strike. Then he smeared his ragged rough sleeve over his eyes. † â€Å"The something that I had noticed before, clicked in the man’s throat again, and he turned his back. † I think this ‘click’ Pip refers is the convict having a lump in his throat, and showing emotion, and the click is him swallowing this lump. This shows that although the convict could be dangerous, he has emotions, and Pip can tap into this emotion. As the novel develops, Miss Haversham and Estella are introduced. Mrs. Joe is very pleased when Pip is given the chance to go to Miss Haversham’s house and play. She believes it will give him the chance to become a ‘gentleman’ and make something of his life. â€Å"If this boy an’t grateful this night, he never will be! † Pip goes off to Miss Haversham’s, and although the house in which she lives in decrepit, and in a very bad state, he is very impressed because it is so large, and unlike what he is used to. He is continually polite, even when Estella is rude to him. † ‘He calls the knaves, Jacks, this boy! Said Estella with disdain, before our first game was out. ‘And what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots! † She patronises him, and it dents Pip’s confidence, and he begins to feel he is not good enough for anything. This makes him insecure, and he wants to go home. Dickens makes the reader see his insecurity by saying â€Å"Her contempt was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it. † This makes the reader see that before the meeting, Pip is fairly content with himself, and his life, be it a lonely one, but after Estella’s comments he realises he is not as good as her, and he probably will never make anything of his life. When he realises this, you can gradually see his ambitions growing, and whereas before he was perfectly happy to become Joe’s apprentice, he knows he won’t be happy, and wants to become someone who is respected. To sum all of this up, Pip is disciplined, and fearful of certain things. He can be intimated easily, but is still respectful. He has ambitions, and plans to make something of his life, but he is also insecure about his background, and whether he has the strength of character to pull himself out of the lower class society. He is very innocent, and gets bewildered easily. Dickens shows all of this by making Pip seem a lonely young boy, with no real family or friends, and he uses imagery to portray this. We watch Pip grow up, and learn about life, and try to make sense of things that are happening around him. Dickens makes the reader feel sorry for Pip, and lets us see we can trust Pip, because he himself trusts everyone and does not doubt anyone. We can read this book and see life through a nai ve young boys eyes, and feel we are being told the absolute truth. This is the power of Dickens’ writing- we believe the protagonist, and feel it would wrong not to believe him.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay

In One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey tells the story of Randle McMurphy, a rebellious, boisterous and overtly sexual man who utilizes his extroverted qualities to win over his fellow patients in the mental institution. McMurphy’s confident nature and non-conforming attitude brings hope to everyone living in the ward. Ultimately, he sparks dissent and inspires them to go against the oppressive head nurse, Nurse Ratchet. McMurphy’s confidence does not waver until he realizes that Nurse Ratchet will always have the upper hand over the patients. Nevertheless, this does not stop him from concocting plans to provoke and get rid of her. McMurphy receives many harsh punishments for his actions and eventually loses the battle against the head nurse. Not only does he lose against Nurse Ratchet, but he eventually loses himself through the process. Additionally, in the film The Experiment, the protagonist Travis, undergoes an adversity which is comparable to what Mc Murphy faces in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The development of both characters can parallel each other through the similarities of their actions. Kesey first introduces McMurphy to readers when he is brought to the mental institution. At first glance, McMurphy can be viewed as a con man. He committed the crime of statutory rape but instead of accepting a jail sentence he convinces the judge that he is not straight in the head and is thus sent to a mental institution. Most patients at the ward are unresponsive, yet when he first arrives at the institution, he introduces himself to everyone. The patients and nurses are taken aback by McMurphy’s feisty attitude. Unlike the other patients, McMurphy is loud, arrogant, and capable and it is evident to everyone that he does not belong in a place like that. After the wards group meeting, McMurphy sees firsthand how Nurse Ratchet abuses her power as head nurse. He makes a bet with all the patients in the ward that he can make lose her temper. The patients warn him and insist that Nurse Ratchet not one to be messed with but he still acts otherwise. In this instance, McMurphy’s rebellious nature shines through. It is made clear to readers that he will not allow Nurse Ratchet to win over the patients for long. He wants to give her a hard time and hopefully get rid of her. Nurse Ratchet sees McMurphy’s deviance and knows that she must break him, just like she broke all the other patients so she can continue her oppressive leadership over the ward. After numerous confrontations between McMurphy and Nurse Ratchet, the patients in the ward find the incidents quite amusing. Eventually, McMurphy is able to rile up all the patients and encourage them to watch the World Series on the television. Although it was not their allotted time to watch the television, they all participate in the rebellion. Through McMurphy actions, the patients see that they should not view Nurse Ratchet as an oppressive and domineering force. They begin to feel hope inside themselves and begin to envision that living in the ward will not be as miserable as it once was. Nurse Ratchet’s patience begins to wear thin and once McMurphy physically attacks her, she quickly makes the decision to have him lobotomized and leaves him neurologically disabled. After this event, the patients can no longer live in the ward. McMurphy was a friend to all and they could not stand living under Nurse Ratchet’s rule. She loses all control and the patients transfer to other wards or check out of the institution completely. McMurphy’s eventual destruction and death was not out of vain as he was able to transform the patients into believing that each person was an individual and should be able to freely express themselves. He left them with a belief that would aid them for the rest of their lives. Randle McMurphy’s feisty and strong-willed character can easily parallel many dominant male characters in films. For example, in the 2010 film The Experiment, Paul T. Scheuring directs the story of 26 men who are selected to take part in a 14 day experiment where some participants act as guards and others as inmates. The guards have only one rule to follow – they must make sure the inmates obey the basic rules of living in a prison. Eventually the power wielded by the guards gets to their heads. They abuse their roles and exploit and humiliate the inmates. They become great oppressors and being to forget that the inmates are only human. Violence begins to ensue. The protagonist, Travis, is selected to be an inmate in the prison. From the beginning, it is made apparent that Travis is not buying into the whole prisoner concept. Just like McMurphy, Travis acts out as an individual. He is not one to follow others and ceases any opportunity to give the guards a difficult time. He then begins to act out in defiant ways. He mobilizes the inmates and leads rebellions against the guards. He and many other inmates firmly decide that they will not be silenced into submission. Eventually, the experiment goes wildly out of control and is stopped by researchers. Like Randle McMurphy, Travis fights back against the oppressors. He did not like seeing his fellow inmates get taken advantage of. Travis begins rebelling and disobeying the rules in small ways, such as refusing to eat his meals. Eventually, he uses physical force to end the tyranny in the prison. Randle McMurphy and Travis are similar characters in many ways. They both were able to unite the group of men that were facing the same adversity. They did not like seeing any of their own getting harmed. Furthermore, just like McMurphy, Travis acts in defiant ways to get into the guards heads. And finally, both use physical force to hurt their oppressors at the very end. To sum it up, they are the spark that brings hope to the oppressed and lead the rebellions against the oppressors.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Toxicological Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Toxicological - Research Paper Example Some aromatic amines are under utilization as carcinogens in industries. Research was conducted to find what industries emitted these aromatic amines and to what extent these were damaging to the environment and the people around. It was an observation that the plastic, chemical, and dye industries emitted these in high amounts. Bladder tumors are a common side effect of these aromatic amines and the people who encounter these harmful gases often suffer from these diseases. â€Å"Auramine, naphthylamine, benzidine, and aminodiphenyl† (Walpole, 1959) were common aromatic amines that were believed to be one of the main chemicals causing bladders problems amongst workers working in these industries. Other effects of these amines include â€Å"drowsiness, headaches and dizziness that eventually lead to the person experiencing lack of coordination, muscular pain, contractions, a state of confusion, etc† (Books, 2010). These harmful gases may also cause certain respiratory pr oblems and liver diseases. Various laboratory tests and field researches were conducted to identify the exact side effects. Tests on animals were also conducted to find out the toxic effects of aromatic amines (Walpole, 1959). References Books. (2010). Aromatic Amines. General Books LLC. Walpole, A. L.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Small Business Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small Business Finance - Essay Example Another is the Firestone Energy Limited, which classifies, assesses, develops mineral survey and mining schemes mainly situated in Australia and Africa, and discovers coal (Firestone energy, 2011). Legal Ownership Structure As at the time of the prospectus; Exterra Resources Limited owned rights to obtain full interest in the Linden Gold operation to be found at the southern part of the Laverton Tectonic Zone, on the eastern border of the Norseman-Wiluna belt; and the Egerton scheme sited in the Gascoyne region on the northern boundary of Yilgarn Craton. The firm also has rights to get hold of 90% interest Leonora Gold venture found in the Archaean Norseman-Wiluna belt, at the east of Leonora in the Murrin Greenstone Belt (Exterra Resources Limited, 2011). In 2009, this company was also incorporated and was found in West Perth, Australia. Likewise, Firestone Energy Limited was given the Mining Right authorization to quarry coal for three decades on the seven properties enclosed in th e venture by the Mineral Resources sector in South Africa. The authorization was in condition that a sum of A$1million to be paid in 10 days, which was to be a set down for the Mine Rehabilitation requirement (Firestone energy, 2011). ... There were resources and main targets for instant drilling on record (Exterra Resource Limited, 2011). In addition, diamond drilling outcome for the three ventures was reliable with past drilling and with various catches having observable gold. Simultaneously, offer from Firestone Energy was not countersigned. The issuers were moved by the fact that, the company had joint business enterprises with international black cost-effective empowerment mining and Power Company with more than eight firms in the Waterberg coalfield, where it intended to enlarge a coal mining scheme. They needed to exploit investor’s significance by supplying and increasing possible mineral plans. They also wanted a rapid investigation plan to develop the Waterberg source. Signaling Mechanism that Issuer’s used There are so many indicators that the issuers in the two companies have used. Such like, how the offer would affect the company and its net asset per share the effects that the issue will ha ve to the monetary status of the business. The productivity and -trade and industry risks, foreign exchange rate variations, risk of the offer to the company and the capital obligation, as well. Furthermore, they have considered the environmental threats, discovering of economic resources and the extent of success of the ventures (Firestone Energy, 2010). They also raised concern on access to land and their access to additional capital. The issuers should utilize these signals to allow the prospects and then public at large to evaluate the situations and be able to make independent decisions. These will always guide on how trustworthy the offer is and how much beneficial it will be to the