Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion Board paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board paragraph - Essay Example In criminological language, victimless crime is now expressed as Public order crime. Newman (2005) states that â€Å"The U.S. Government uses victimless crimes to control and manipulate its citizens. Prosecuting victimless crimes is driving our country into debt, destroying the Bill of Rights, destroying families and leaving more of our population in prison than any other country. Often the hysteria of victimless crimes traps innocent people and destroys their lives. Victimless crimes also erode respect for the law.†    There are convinced crimes, which may be measured as victimless crimes, which moreover are forbidden, or not. Certainly, almost everything can be forbidden (for instance not wearing a veil as a lady). This is merely a small list of genuine or historical illegal actions in western society that can be measured as victimless crimes. The laws beside victimless crimes are not straight intimidation to seclusion themselves. In criminalizing definite performance, society makes a verdict that there can be no personal importance in those actions. However victimless crime laws do bully the privacy of guiltless because of the scrutinizing and analysis they need for enforcement. No one of the contestant in a victimless crime will account it to authorities. To implement this kind of offense law, authorized authorities must employ in widespread observance, wiretapping, and close watch of suspected criminals and the community. Certain laws are: William Acton in his book â€Å"Prostitution† (1968) blames women for Prostitution when he says, â€Å""Every unchaste woman is not a prostitute. By unchastity a woman becomes liable to lose character, position, and the means of living; and when these are lost is too often reduced to prostitution for support, which, therefore, may be described as the trade adopted by all women who have abandoned an

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