Friday, February 21, 2020

A critical analysis of software testing tools and techniques Essay

A critical analysis of software testing tools and techniques - Essay Example It is so important that half of the development of any software must be dedicated to it, as a rule of thumb. Some people believe that software testing must be done at the end of software development, as a final stage. However, it is important to note that testing must be done at all stages of development. It must be integrated into it and must be a continual process throughout. For example, once requirements have been gathered, design must be created and implemented. Once each module is developed, it should be tested immediately for any bugs or defects. Or if prototypes are to be delivered to the customer, after each delivery, the software must be tested. Software testing should not be left to end; after all the modules of a project have been developed. How and when testing is carried out also depends on customer requirements and desired results, the Project Manger’s way of working, and the Project Lifecycle model. Software testing is still considered to be an art because there is still limited understanding of it. The reason for this complexity of software testing is that there are so many testing principles, techniques and tools available that can be used to carry out this critical activity. One must know which ones are most suitable in accordance with the software being developed. Software testing tools include source, embedded, functional, performance, java, link and HTML, API, requirements management, security and many other test tools (Applied Testing and Technology, 2009). Software testing techniques vary as the software travels through its stages of development lifecycle. However, software testing techniques can be roughly divided into unit testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing (Luo, 2009). The general goal of all these testing tools and techniques is to produce a high quality software that meets customer requirements, by developing it in controlled circumstances (Luo, 2009). As a

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Application report 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Application report 2 - Essay Example The rise in federal interest rate causes general increase in the cost of capital. This leads to the increase in the cost of manufacturing and services. The present value of annuity such as pension will decrease because the value of dollar or purchasing power of dollar will fall. However, with the rise in interest cost the higher interest rate of 6% will reduce the present value of annuity to 40,000/1.06= $37,735. The person has lost $360 due to rise in the cost of living. Vice versa is also true. Further, the future value of the money invested will rise along with the rise in interest cost. The significance of above calculation is that total annuity though received is $5000 yet actual worth is $4329 only. The worth will further be reduced if interest rate is still high, say, 7 %. The quick calculation can be done with the same equation. Firms calculate weighted average cost of capital that depends upon the cost of equity and the cost of debt. The cost of debt will rise with the rise in interest cost as company will need to give higher interest on its borrowings. The increase in the cost of debt will also increase the cost of equity because the cost of equity rules a few percentage points higher (usually 5 to 10% depending upon the risk profile of the company) than the debt cost. The higher interest cost will result into higher production cost of the product or services. If the company is unable to pass the increased cost to the consumers then it will reflect into the reduced earnings of the company for a given year. The net profit of the company is calculated by deducting the interest paid on the debt in a given year; however lesser earnings in a given year may also result into lesser dividend for