Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Marketing - Essay Example Thus the ‘victims’ of its unethical marketing strategies were children whom the company ill-used by manipulating their exposure to addictive / drug-abusing habits. According to the source, the company has also employed teenage girls to distribute free Marlboro cigarettes to children and youngsters at the clubs and concerts. Not only the company marketed a health-hazardous product but also harmed the children morally by exploiting them to addiction. What’s worst, the company claimed that premature smokers’ deaths have ‘positive effects’ because they save governments money (â€Å"Top 10 Unethical Companies.†) In this way, Philip Morris’ unethical marketing practices hurt children and teenagers by illegally familiarizing them with addictive products that are supposed to be much harmful for them, physiologically as well as morally. The company, in response to the criticism, has launched a ‘We card’ Programme, which provid es retailers with tools and resources to help prevent underage tobacco sales. Works Cited â€Å"Top 10 Unethical Companies.† Action for Our Planet, n.d. Web. 1 May 2011.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hollifield Family Reunion Essay Example for Free

Hollifield Family Reunion Essay Every year around the last week of July my father’s family all meets for a two day reunion in the small town of Spruce Pine, North Carolina. Hollifield’s have resided in the area for over 100 years! There are many streets named after us and if you’re walking around town some people even notice you’re a Hollifield just by looking at you. Although it is only two days long, the reunion is something I cherish deep in my heart, for it’s the only time I get to see my father’s family. One night in 1974, my grandpa and a few other family members were sitting around reminiscing about their childhood. They were laughing at all the memories and good times they’ve had and all the trouble they got into. My grandpa was telling everyone he had been thinking of a way that everyone could make some time to all come together for a couple days once every year. His uncle told him that they should start a family reunion. So starting in July of 1974 the annual Hollifield reunion began. Everyone gets to the hotel Friday night and gets settled in and reacquainted a lot of hugging, kissing, laughing, and eating. My sister and I get our own hotel room so most of our cousins bring sleeping bags and stay both nights in our room. We talk about what we’ve all done that year, who’s dating who, what kind of cars we’ve bought; we pretty much talk each other’s ears off. The next morning we all get up and find somewhere to eat and walk around town. Downtown Spruce Pine is absolutely beautiful. There are flowers and pine trees growing everywhere, and you can smell all the bakeries and barbeque pits. There are little stores with antiques and instruments, florists, wedding dress shops, and candy stores. It could go from 90 degrees with the sun shining to a humid rain in a matter of minutes. When it rains you can smell it a hundred times better than in California. After we walk through town we get to a huge, long wooden bridge. It’s been there for years and underneath it flows a beautiful creek and a park filled with laughing children frolicking in the sunlight. We normally go to the park and mess  around on everything then make our way to the creek. You have to go down a steep hill made of dirt and freckled with little patches of bright green grass. The boys catch crawdads and crayfish while us girls dip our feet in the clear chilly water and wait for the train to pass. The train is large and used to transport coal and freight. Personally, the train is one of my favorite parts of Spruce Pine. It’s loud yet still soothing and controlled. After a few hours the rest of the family begins to show up at the park with fresh, good old-fashioned southern food. They unload the cars of barbeque, slaw, potatoes, mac and cheese, collard greens, green beans, pasta salads, and more desert than any amount of people should ever consume. Following our meal is the baseball game. The whole family plays and we get chosen randomly for two teams. In the end my grandpa tells us that everyone won and an MVP is chosen from each team who receives a golden trophy of a boy or girl with a tiny body and huge head, holding a baseball bat. We all clean up then head back to the hotel to get swimsuits and drive over to the pool. A few hours into swimming we decide to go to the hotel and shower then all the kids find a place to eat supper. Upon leaving the restaurant someone informs us that the annual hide-n-seek game has begun. We take off running towards the hotel to find a hiding place while the person chosen as â€Å"it† stays and counts for 5 minutes. The game involves a lot of pushing, shoving, screaming, laughing, and those little chills you get when you’ve found a place and you know that any second you could be found. After the game we all head back to my sister and I’s room and hang out. We stay up all night talking about everything that happened, who did the most embarrassing thing, which was the funniest, and other things we had encountered that day. As the night goes by we start to notice our time is almost up. Most of my cousins live in NC so they see each other all the time, but as the hours pass my sister and I notice that our time in NC is almost over; that we’ll have to wait yet another slow, California year before we get back to the peaceful happiness of NC. Around 9 in the morning our cousin’s head back to their rooms to get ready for our last meal together. For breakfast Sunday morning the whole family fills the back room of The Western Sizzler. Western Sizzler may be the best place to get breakfast ever. It’s is 3 large buffet tables covered in bacon, sausage, ham, eggs,  fruit, veggies, pancakes, waffles, biscuits and gravy, yogurt, granola, hash browns, country potatoes, varieties of juices, milks, sodas. And at the end there is a huge dessert bar. We eat and talk and talk and eat. And eat some more†¦ and then a little bit more. We catch up with some of the older members of the family and tell them what we did all weekend. My aunt Vicki walks around and takes millions of pictures with her big nice camera that has a flash that could blind the whole family at the same time. When everyone has finished my grandpa stands up and talks about all the great things that have gone on during the weekend, all the graduates and birthdays, all the births and deaths. We end the reunion by hugging and some crying (I won’t lie; Ià ¢â‚¬â„¢m one of the criers). If my family had never got the idea to have a reunion, I don’t know when I would ever see them. The reunion brings us together in a quick two day span filled with great food, laughter, and all around happiness. It seems like when we’re all together nothing can go wrong. My cousins and I have vowed that when our time comes, we will carry on the tradition of the Hollifield Family Reunion until the day we die.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jack Nolan is a Renaissance Man :: biographies bio biography

The word Renaissance is a French word meaning 're-birth.' The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the 14th through the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. It was best known for the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who have inspired the term 'Renaissance Man.' A Renaissance man or woman is a highly cultivated person who is skilled in many fields of knowledge. The artist-scientist in Renaissance times were immediately recognizable they had to be well-educated, have cultural grace, be a gentleman and understand the arts and sciences. They are a builder, an inventor, a seeker, a dreamer, and a thinker. A perfect example of a 21st century Renaissance man would be Jack Nolan. Jack was left-brain dominant, but he was just as decidedly right-brain dominant. Jack was head of the computer systems group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory, and leaped across the divide when he became president of the Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. He was always a very intelligent person, a true scientist and a mathematician. But at the same time that was always deeply tempered by his artistic interests. By his teens had the ability to focus on a task to the exclusion of those around him, which made him a good scientist. ?You could speak to Jack, and he could totally ignore you. He'd be reading a book or writing something, and then he'd look up at you with this look of surprise as if you'd just walked into the room.? During college years, his family said, he worked in the rail yards and used pieces of chalk to puzzle out math equations on the sides of boxcars. Always an artist, Mr. Nolan kept a studio in his basement at his family's Lexington house while spending days as a research scientist. Mr. Nolan grew older, his sister said, "he concentrated only on watercolors and he got very involved in light and shade. He would somehow manage to run the colors together - it was a very light, airy touch that he had." A few years ago, she said, "we were driving together and he said to me, 'You know, the entire world is beginning to look like watercolors to me.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Classical Greece and Han China Essay

From 600 BCE to 600 CE, known as the classical period, Greece and Han China began to develop. These empires were extremely important and successful. However, despite their success, Classical Greece and Han China had major similarities and differences in their political, technological and economic/environmental views. These societies were similar in the fact that they emphasized certain buildings being built, such as urban centers, or universities. Both built systems to make certain aspects of life easier as well. The Greeks built aqueducts and the Chinese built a system of roads within their society. They were both also similar in the fact that both civilizations experienced population growth during the classical period, which led to expansion. Although they had multiple similarities, these societies had their differences as well. Politically, Greece was not unified they were divided into separate city-states, where as China was unified. Technologically, The Greeks focused more on building up their army and staying strong, while the Chinese worked on products that could improve their everyday lives, and had less to do with the protection of their civilization. Also, they differed economically/environmentally. Greece’s main items of trading were grapes and wine, China’s main export was silk. Although they had many similarities, Classical Greece and China’s differences outweighed these similarities. Politically, these societies had major differences. Greece was not unified, and was separated into separate city-states. Each city-state was called a Polis. Each Polis included an urban center and its rural territory, an acropolis, agora, public buildings/establishments and fortified walls. Each Polis was also unique and different because they developed independently. Things in each Polis such as traditions, economies,religions and political systems were different. A different person was the â€Å"ruler† of each Polis. Polis’s also had a different, distinct form of government as well. In Han China, they were not divided! China was unified by Shi Huang Di. Since the empire was unified, they were able to focus on bigger and more important political advancements. The entire empire followed Confucian philosophy, which believed that deep down, humans were capable of doing good deeds. They had a standardized currency for trade, which made it easier for trading to take place. The empire even had a Civil Service system which was  non-existent in Greece. The Civil Service system was put in charge of duties that regulated the society and kept it in balance. They also conducted the Civil Service Exams, which a citizen could take in order to move up in society. This was China’s form of social mobility. However, these civilizations had slight similarities. Both societies stressed the importance of having certain buildings constructed, such as urban centers and universities. These buildings were highly important for these civilizations because they helped the societies carry out the values that were important to them. Urban centers offered a place to meet, while universities were a site where one could go to become more knowledgeable. Technologically, these civilizations were also different. The technologies that they were able to develop or that were important to them was based primarily on their location geographically. In Classical Greece, they focused on building up a strong military base to fend off the surrounding civilizations of Egypt, Persia (Turkey) and Rome. They did this by developing their technologies in things such as ship building, training skilled sailors, and developing their navy for trading and fighting. However in Han China, they were far less concerned about their military/army base because they only had to worry about their nomadic neighbors! They had time to develop technologies such as the cross-bow, the first seismograph (the tool that is used for predicting earthquakes), they built A LOT of roads, specialized in paper making, and they also popularized silk. The popularization of silk was very important because it was the main product that China used for trade! The Chinese even made their paper out of wood bark, which is partly how we make our’s in today’s society! This shows how technologically advanced Han China really was. Despite these immense differences, Classical Greece and Han China had a few similarities. Both societies built certain systems that made life easier for their society. In Classical Greece, they built aqueducts, which were brick water pipes. These pipes were used to transport water throughout the society. In Han China, a system of roads was built. These roads made it easier to transport goods for trade, and had other uses as well. Although the actual technologies may have been different, the one goal that they shared was similar- to make life easier! From the economic/environmental point of view, Greece and Han China had some major differences. Geographically, Greece was a peninsula. They had access to many natural harbors, and Han China did not, along the Silk Road of Han China, people often died of thirst. Greece was also wasn’t far from societies such as Egypt, Persia and Rome. Being so close allowed for cultural diffusion to be present in Greece. Classical Greece’s major trade products were grapes and wine. They often traded these to get the goods that they needed. Greece even had events such as the Olympic Games. The Olympics even brought the divided city-states together for a brief time, despite rivalries they might have had! In Han China, their society was based on agriculture. However, in Greece, the land wasn’t fertile enough to farm. This was a major difference since agriculture was such an important part to China’s society! Another big difference between the two was the Silk Road. It was China’s source of trade, and they often traded their main export, silk on the Silk Road. Despite all of the products the Silk Road gave China, such as horses (China’s most desired product), it also came with a down side. Many diseases were spread on the Silk Road from Europe! This resulted in diseases coming back to Han China, they didn’t just stay on the Silk Road! Despite their major differences economically/environmentally, there were some similarities. One of these similarities was that both civilizations experienced population growth, which led to expansion. The Han period in China was mostly a period of population growth, expansion, and migration! This was the same for Greece. These societies were doing so well in terms of trade, and being able to support the population and become more advanced led to this population growth! It is a great achievement that these civilizations were able to last so long despite all of the hardships they were faced with such as disease and invasions. Yet, they were so advanced for their time that they seemed untouchable! Greece and Han China were mostly different despite their civilizations lasting so long and being so successful. Their ways politically, technologically, and economically/environmentally worked for whatever problems that they were exposed to where they lived, which is what made them prosper. Their views also shaped the legacy that they would leave  on the world! Especially in terms of things that we use today such as road systems and paper making! These advancements are the things that are so important, and still have us learning about Classical Greece and Han China today!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mahou Factory

Mahou Factory Visit Mahou is a Spanish brewery house founded in the year 1890, in the capital Madrid. The company created a reputation for it self that precedes it even now a days, for its quality of production and the traditionalism of the production. Today the company is among the largest and most powerful brewery in Spain with a dominant market share. The main brewery factory, being the one we visited, is located in the outskirts of Madrid, Alovera Guadalajara to be more specific. The Factory is the biggest in Spain and second biggest in Europe, it is unique in Europe for its complex automatized process and innovative technology.The factory produces up to 4 million liters of beer a DAY. Trough out our visit we could observe the process of production of the beer, most being completely automatized, yet having key workers in key locations were mistakes cannot occur. Even the most efficient machines can make mistakes, the problem is that the problem wont be spotted it since its and au tomatized process therefore you need the scientist and key workers in place to reassure the smoothness of the process. This could be considered a poki oki in Japanese terms or a security measure for the avoidance of problems in the production process.From the beginning we could observe a complex system practically runed by computers, the only un automatized process is the lab and examination of samples. But in order to keep control of quality, it’s a process that need to be done with detail and personal, to keep better control of quality even if the cost for it might be high. This with the large control room constantly observing and controlling the brewing process day and night, 24/7, 365 days a year, make it a supper efficient machine for quality control and cost control.The control room has constant machines and computers controlling the brewing process from start to end including the bottling and packaging, This is then combines with a couple of professionals constantly ex amining and managing the process of production with constant control like sample taking to ensure that the quality and process is going to perfection. With this, we can surely say we are of to a good start. Continuing on with the quality control process we then have again several controls to ensure quality, like exporting the water from the erfect mineralization from Guadalajara, like exporting the main resources needed to ensure that their customer gets the quality expected always. After the brewing process there are several other controls like the bottle revision that ensures that they are clean, then there’s another machine ensuring that they all have the perfect measurements (full) with a laser measurer, after wards a few samples are taken from the produced batch of the day to again lastly ensure that the quality is the desired one.Furthermore we can also observe the cost efficiency process in place. Even though the machinery implemented is expensive in the long term it c uts cost by huge amounts ensuring less mistakes higher quality and happier customers. The control room cuts cost by having many less workers doing the control process over the brewing production process by having it all automatized, not counting how more efficient it is.Then they cut cost by implementing this brewing tanks outside the factory were its easier to obtain the liquid in bigger quantities. But, by a long shot the most efficient cost cutting control is the logistics the factory built right next to the high way to have a quick and easy way to transport and move things. Also they have deals with multiple other breweries to bottle their bear were they do not have a factory in order to make it seemingly less costly and easier to distribute their product.Lastly, I will talk about their green impact on the world, or ecological controls. Now days every company is striving to be a leader as social responsible and environmentally friendly. Every company ahs its motives for this, so me marketing technique, others tax benefits or company reputation etc. What’s very admirable of Mahou’s environmental help to the world is that it not only gives good company reputation, tax, etc, its that it is cost reducing also making it cost efficient.Mahous recycles 90 % or more in some cases, of their bottles and containers, due to a deal established with the distributor and maker of the beer containers. This is extremely efficient and green for the environment counting the huge amount of production and trash they are avoiding creating. With both eh process distinguishing the broken or defect bottles and the un-cleanable they have created a perfect quality, cost and environmental friendly control all in one, keeping to its name and reputation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


COUPLES RIGHTS essays Currently, there is much debate on homosexuals couples rights to legalize their right to marriage. There is much information presented, both for and against. There are many reasons for, but not too many reasons against legalizing same sex marriage. By showing that prejudice, lack of freedom of choice, and unconstitutional issues abound, this paper proves that homosexuals should have the right to legally marry. Homosexuals should be allowed to marry because the disallowance of it violates homosexuals constitutional rights. Marriage is an institution long recognized by our government under the right to pursue happiness, and denying that right to any couple, regardless of gender, is unconstitutional. Though this argument is not disputed, it is not finished. In fact, none of the arguments raised in opposition to the allowance of homosexual marriages takes into account the constitutional rights afforded to all humans. The arguments are only in relation to what is stated in the bible that homosexuality is wrong. Today, some people do not live by what the bible states as truth because some of those truths can not be proven. Citizens want the government to remove the UNDER GOD in the pledge of allegiance. Our nation was built on the original principles of freedom expressed in the Declaration of Independence and through our Constitution. The opponents of homosexual marriage need to remember what freedom means to America, and understand the significance of setting an example that denies that freedom. Marriage is a basic human right and should not be denied to any individual. At various times in U.S. history, minorities have been prevented from marrying: African Americans, for example. White and black marriage was also legally prohibited in various states, until the Supreme Court ruled such bans unconstitutional in 1967. At this time, however, marriage is only granted to heterose...

Monday, October 21, 2019

2Nd Amendment Essays - Crime, Violence, Free Essays, Term Papers

2Nd Amendment Essays - Crime, Violence, Free Essays, Term Papers 2Nd Amendment The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America asserts, A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. At the time when this amendment was passed, the country was still primarily an agrarian and hunting society, guns were a household item, and necessary for daily life. The armed farmer was the principal soldier in the revolution to establish an independent country. The framers of the Constitution understood that these gun-wielding countrymen were essential to the revolution, and wanted to insure the people would never be defenseless. In recent decades, with the waning practical application of guns in an industrialized nation, the Second Amendment has come under much fire. Living in a technologically advanced country, United States citizens no longer have a need for guns in their everyday lives and, therefore, many Americans have grown up in gun-less homes. The recent rash of violence across the country has shown that the ideals of modern American society have gone awry. Many are quick to blame guns as the reason for this violence. Actually, the problem is not the possession of guns; Americans have had them for over 200 years. Instead, the demise of the morals of society and the lack of restraint of the American public have caused the recent violent trend. Guns are merely a tool. In the hands of immoral and undisciplined people, they are put to evil purposes. The problem lies in the fact that the amendment was created to deal with the muzzle-loaders of the time, and now guns have evolved into killing machines, not just hunting rifles. These new guns however, are no more capable of killing without a man controlling them; guns have been prevalent for literally hundreds of years without being used as weapons for humans against humans, except in times of war. Guns have been in American homes since 1776, and they were not associated with violence until recently. The current trend of school and workplace violence is due to the desensitization of the American people through television, movies and even music. Movie and television producers are businessmen, and they produce what sells, that usually being violence. With the American public watching such films, and loving them, the influence on everyday life cannot be ignored. Statistical facts from other countries show the USA to be much more violent than most other industrialized countries. Last year, Paris suffered less than 25% of the violence that occurred in Washington DC, and Paris is four times as large. The classic society that is present in Europe does not have the same fetish with violence as is present in America. Progressive generations in the American society are in essence regressing; the terms Generation X and the Me Generation have been coined and convey the selfishness that is evident in modern society. The Columbine High School violence spree is simply one of the recent acts of violence, but it illustrates how the countrys troubled youth are reacting to their surroundings. People are taking a more violent approach to try to solve problems than ever before, and that is certainly not solving anything. The recent increase in job related violence can be blamed on the increased stress and desensitization of the average worker. This new approach to workplace problems is very evident, recently in Hawaii and is so common that the term going postal has been created to describe workplace shootings. In the early years of our country, and in most places around the world at a boss or a layoff might have been expressed through yelling or at worst, throwing a chair. The desensitization of the American worker has caused him to take a different approach in very recent times, the approach of violence expressed with the abuse of guns. The issue of gun control is historically split between the two major political parties in the US The Democrats have always pushed for stricter gun laws, and the Republicans have always been for lenient laws. Heavy campaign contributions are made to both parties in hope to push certain groups views with The National Rifle Association leading the way with large contributions to the Republican Party. Regardless of party, most politicians agree that something must be altered in the present equilibrium, because violence is almost becoming routine. The Second Amendment was intended for the purpose of reminding these politicians that they are there to serve the people, and no other reason. Although

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Qué es el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa a USA

Quà © es el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa a USA El formulario de ESTA para viajar a Estados Unidos sin visa es una autorizacià ³n que deben solicitar los turistas o las personas de negocio de ciertos paà ­ses para ingresar al paà ­s por avià ³n o por barco de transporte. No es posible utilizar la ESTA si se llega en una embarcacià ³n o en avià ³n privado o de aerolà ­neas no autorizadas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. En la actualidad de entre todos los paà ­ses en los que se habla espaà ±ol sà ³lo los espaà ±oles y chilenos pueden entrar en Estados Unidos sin visado. Aunque el gobierno de Washington est en conversaciones con algunos gobiernos latinoamericanos para extender este privilegio a argentinos, brasileà ±os y uruguayos. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar el formulario de ESTA para viajar sin visa Las personas que tengan un pasaporte de uno de los paà ­ses del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas y que desean viajar a Estados Unidos como turistas o personas de negocios. Sin embargo, si se ha viajado a Irn, Iraq, Yemen, Siria, Libia o Somalia despuà ©s del 1 de marzo de 2011, no se puede solicitar la ESTA. Es necesario pedir una visa de turista. Si se solicita la ESTA y se obtiene, destacar que la estancia siempre debe ser por 90 dà ­as o menos. No se puede ampliar de ninguna manera sin salir del paà ­s. Las personas con visa de turista B1/B2 vigente pueden seguir utilizndola. Tambià ©n necesitan este tipo de visado los extranjeros que viajan a Estados Unidos en aviones privados. Por à ºltimo, entender que los extranjeros que residen legalmente en un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas no pueden beneficiarse de este privilegio. Por ejemplo, en Espaà ±a vive un nà ºmero considerable de latinoamericanos. Ellos necesitan visa para viajar a Estados Unidos, a menos que se hayan naturalizado espaà ±oles y tenga, por lo tanto, pasaporte espaà ±ol. Cà ³mo se solicita la ESTA para viajar a USA El formulario de ESTA se solicita por internet en una direccià ³n oficial del gobierno americano. Es necesario tener a mano el pasaporte (sin expirar) y una tarjeta de crà ©dito VISA, MasterCard, Discover o American Expres. En los dos primeros casos tambià ©n se admiten las tarjetas de dà ©bito.Tambià ©n hay que tener una direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nica. Si no se tiene, crear una antes de iniciar la solicitud.La aplicacià ³n es sencilla y requiere, como media, unos quince minutos en completarse. Hay que pagar una tasa por la gestià ³n de cuatro dà ³lares americanos. Y si la solicitud es aprobada se cargarn otros 10 dà ³lares. Adems, es posible que la tarjeta de crà ©dito cobre una tasa por la gestià ³n.Antes de hacer el pago verificar que todos los datos son correctos. Ya que si se han cometido errores en cosas como la fecha en la que el pasaporte fue emitido o en la que expira y se detectan despuà ©s del pago ser necesario volver a comentar la aplicacià ³n del pri ncipio y habr que pagar de nuevo.La respuesta se sabe prcticamente al momento. Se recomienda imprimirla y anotar el nà ºmero de caso. Finalizar posteriormente la aplicacià ³n o hacer cambios no esenciales Es posible hacer cambios posteriores, por ejemplo, para completar el nombre de la aerolà ­nea, la ciudad desde la que se viaja o la direccià ³n en la que se va a estar en Estados Unidos, el nà ºmero de telà ©fono o la direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico. En estos casos basta con introducir el nà ºmero de la aplicacià ³n o datos como el nà ºmero de pasaporte, nombre completo y paà ­s que ha emitido el pasaporte. Cul es la validez de la ESTA La autorizacià ³n para viajar es vlida por dos aà ±os o hasta la fecha de expiracià ³n del pasaporte, cualquiera que se produzca antes. Adems, es necesario aplicar por una ESTA nueva, aà ºn cuando su fecha està © vigente si han cambiado las circunstancias y la respuesta a alguna de las preguntas con opcià ³n de sà ­ o no del formulario ha cambiado. Por ejemplo, si se contestà ³ a una de ellas no y ahora la respuesta correcta es sà ­. (Sà ³lo a ese tipo de preguntas).   Si el formulario de ESTA expira mientras se est presente legalmente en Estados Unidos no es necesario aplicar por otra. Todo est bien. Quà © pasa con el I-94 Sà ³lo se llena el I-94W si se ingresa a EEUU por una frontera terrestre. El control de quien entra y quià ©n sale por aeropuertos y puertos se hace digitalmente. Ya no es necesario llenar el papelito con el que seguro estn familiarizados las personas que han viajado con anterioridad a Estados Unidos. Quà © pasa si la solicitud de la ESTA es denegada Aunque en la mayorà ­a de los casos la ESTA se concede, cuando esto no es asà ­ no es posible saber la razà ³n exacta de la denegacià ³n. Y esto es lo que hay que hacer si no se obtiene la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica para viajar. Es fundamental no caer en la terrible tentacià ³n de solicitar una nueva autorizacià ³n para viajar cuando la primera es denegada y mentir para intentar conseguir asà ­ la ESTA. Lo ms probable es que el sistema informtico detecte el intento o, si no lo hace, que sà ­ se descubra cuando se llega a la Aduana americana y se tiene que pasar por el examen de un oficial de inmigracià ³n. Cuando un extranjero solicita de nuevo la ESTA y le agarran en una mentira  se puede convertir  en inelegible para entrar a Estados Unidos. Y lo ms probable es que nunca consiga viajar al paà ­s. Adems, es posible que aà ºn teniendo la ESTA la aerolà ­nea prohà ­ba embarcar.   A tener en cuenta Tener la ESTA no significa que se asegure poder entrar a Estados Unidos. La à ºltima palabra la tiene siempre el oficial de Inmigracià ³n en la Aduana. Para asegurarte de que conoces todo lo fundamental sobre la ESTA y sobre la estadà ­a en Estados Unidos cuando se tiene ese documento toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Si sabes todas las respuestas seguro que te evitars problemas. Listado de paà ­ses y casos de doble nacionalidad Segà ºn las leyes de los Estados Unidos  ciudadanos de estos paà ­ses pueden viajar sin visa, sà ³lo con la ESTA. En el caso de doble nacionalidad es importante entender que si la visa se negà ³ con un pasaporte no es posible utilizar el otro para ingresar solo con la ESTA. Por ejemplo, un venezolano que solicità ³ la visa americana con ese pasaporte y su peticià ³n fue negada no puede utilizar el pasaporte portuguà ©s que tiene por ser hijo de portugueses para ingresar sin visa a los Estados Unidos. No se puede legalmente y adems hay que tener muy claro que esta trampa que se pretende hacer es fcil de descubrir ya que cuando se pidià ³ la visa se tomaron las huellas digitales y cuando se pretende ingresar a Estados Unidos, tambià ©n, y el sistema TEC hace una comparativa y el oficial migratorio identifica al ciudadano portuguà ©s como el venezolano al que se denegà ³ la visa.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Middle school and their teachers views of mental health Essay

Middle school and their teachers views of mental health - Essay Example This paper presents a critique of the perceptions, views, perspectives, understanding and attitudes of middle school pupils and teachers on mental health. It highlights what they think or how they perceive mental health concept, positive mental health, negative mental health, psychological needs, and mental health problems in the adolescence years, the risk and resilience factors as well as the causes of mental health. The paper also presents a review of literature in regard to the teachers’ role in promoting students’ mental health, the risk and resilience factors and students mental health problems in secondary school as well as identifying these problems early. It also reviews studies about mental health education curriculum and programs designed and applied in school in order to promote students’ mental health especially fro middles schools in Australia, UK, Canada, Finland and the US, such as SEAL, LEAs and PATH among others. The pupils’ attitudes and perceptions of mental health are influenced by the beliefs of the public and the communities from which they come from regarding mental health. Children acquire the wrong information regarding the unworthy nature of people with mental health problems. Generally, members of the public and parents tend to isolate their children from people with undesirable symptoms of mental health thereby instilling a negative attitude in their children. It is therefore common for adolescents to come to school with pre-determined judgment regarding mental health. Dalton et al. (2007) argue that the negative attitudes instilled in the adolescents may become more intense as they grow to adulthood if measures are not taken to change their beliefs. These perceptions lead to low self-esteem and feelings of rejection. The adolescents usually view mental health problems as a disadvantage that hinders the affected peers from accomplishing the tasks that are assumed to be

Organizational Stress and Violence Literature review

Organizational Stress and Violence - Literature review Example In the Literature review, an idea was taken regarding the concept of stress management prevalent in the UAE. Besides, the causes and the impact of stress on police personals were also closely studied.   The paper aimed at finding out the relationship between labor productivity and the stress experienced by them. In order to reach an inference, studies were conducted in well over 20 multinational firms based in the United Kingdom. The appropriate research methodology was chosen for the study and the analysis reflects the use of stress management techniques in organizations. The quantitative regression analysis reflected positive results and showed that the use of effective stress management techniques benefits the organization considerably and helps to improve the overall productivity of the organization. The ideas of different stress management techniques were closely studied for the purpose and their benefits associated with raising the productivity were closely surveyed. To reach the conclusion a huge number of data collections were done which was a major part of the research work and their simultaneous analysis was done critically and minutely. Though positive results were derived from the research work still the research work was accompanied by a lot of limitations in the overall process. The definition of Stress has been debated over the years. The most accepted definition however framed defines stress as the undesirable and poor reactions which people exhibit when the excess amount of pressure and demands is exerted upon them. It is the general reaction which people reflects when they do not have the ability to cope with the demands. The common symptoms which reflect that a person is suffering from stress include insomnia, changes in behavior and increased addiction towards alcohol and drugs. In the case of work-related stress, the symptoms exhibited are different such as exhaustion and depressions. (Feilder, Lewis & Yarker, 2011) In the present business environment, the business exerts substantial pressures on the employees to utilize most of their productivity. However, sometimes the level of pressure becomes too excessive for the clients and gives rise to stress. The main reasons for stress which are encountered by the employees in their workplace are mentioned b elow.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Engineering design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Engineering design - Assignment Example This is a crucial step in the design process since it will give aguideof achieving the design’s goals. Questionnaires as a research methodology were chosen for this case. It emerged a suitable method because sufficiently large amount of information can be collected from a large group and within a short span of time as well as in a cost effective way. The data obtained from this method could also be easily and more scientifically analysed (, 1996). To minimize any risk of harm to the user, it was decided that the kettle should have a shield just below the handle. This prevents any burns due to steam from boiling water/tea. In addition, all the electrical components should not be exposed nor get in contact with the water. The inside of the kettle will be made of thick plastic and the outside a coating of polished stainless steel. This ensures a good strength to avoid any physical damage. As stated, this kettle has two heatersthat may work independently, and this will increase the life of the coils. This mechanism consists of the initial starting ‘on’ ‘off’ switch and a thermostat controlled switching. Some old kettles do not have an automatic shut-off mechanism, which requires the user to switch it off when the water has boiled. After brainstorming and analysis of other various switching mechanisms, two possible switching designs were selected and they are outlined below. These concepts were chosen to meet the customers requirements as well as follow engineering specifications as outlined previously. This mechanism involves theuse of a bimetallic thermostat, which is integrated into the element unit usually at the bottom. It consists of a disc bonded together and areusually of two different metals where one expands faster than the other does. When the hot water reaches the boiling point, the produced steam hits this thermostat making it flex in theopposite direction thus disconnecting the contacts cutting off the electric current

My Lai Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Lai Massacre - Essay Example Beyond the leaping jade plates of the sea was an overhand of cliffs and the sight of a valley so large it contained sun, smoke, rain, and cloud—all at once—independent quantities of color. I had been unprepared for this beauty; it surprised and humbled me†¦.† But soldiers are but spikes in the giant military wheel. The â€Å"preamble† to the massacre reads thus, as described by the authors. â€Å"The order that was given was to kill everyone in the village. Someone asked if that meant women and children. And the order was: everyone in the village†¦.It was quite clear that no one was to be spared in that village†. One can see each syllable of this order was the harbinger of the impending massacre. A disciplined soldier had no other alternative but to obey the order and be a part of the massacre. I entirely agree with the observations and findings of the authors that what happened in My Lai was a blunder. Not a military action but the massacr e of the innocents. Majority of those killed were civilians, estimated some 400-500. Policymakers and anti-war movement activists were aware that they were being briefed with doses of fiction, as part of the cover-up operations. But the findings of the authors are on unassailable grounds and they have tendered 68 primary documents and have relied upon General Peer’s inquiry findings and they have chronicled the events systematically from the pre-operations details, the actual operation and the developments subsequent to the massacre.... One can see each syllable of this order was the harbinger of the impending massacre. A disciplined soldier had no other alternative but to obey the order and be a part of the massacre. I entirely agree with the observations and findings of the authors that what happened in My Lai was a blunder. Not a military action but massacre of the innocents. Majority of those killed were civilians, estimated some 400-500. The public, policymakers and anti-war movement activists were aware that they were being briefed with doses of fiction, as part of the cover-up operations. But the findings of the authors are on unassailable grounds and they have tendered 68 primary documents and have relied upon General Peer’s inquiry findings and they have chronicled the events systematically from the pre-operations details, the actual operation and the developments subsequent to the massacre. Black and white photos add further credential to the report. Without doubt, the soldiers were in an agitated s tate of mind, but that doesn’t provide one license to shoot at the defenseless men, women and children at will merely on the suspicion that they were Viet-Cong supporters. My Lai, is a hamlet, 335 miles northeast of Saigon, supposed to be a Viet-Cong dominated territory. The early morning action of about 70 infantrymen which resulted in the total destruction of the villagers, their residences and the livestock—can it be termed as military warfare? The Charlie Company of the 11th Brigade, American Division, landed in the village with the express intent to kill. The Officers had their own reasons, and they considered it as a retaliatory action. Firstly the area was a stronghold of Viet

Thursday, October 17, 2019

1.Identify one method and critically evaluate it paying attention to Essay

1.Identify one method and critically evaluate it paying attention to the underlying theoretical underpinnings - Essay Example For instance, there are high chances that if the social workers are conscious about cultural issues there will also be high chances that they will offer competent services that are culture based and are likely to improve the quality of health care to various users of the service provided. Culture is a complex phenomenon and it requires the service providers to view themselves, local communities, their workmates and the settings of their employment from different angles. Social workers are often face difficulties in dealing with different cultural issues (Laird, 2008). Social workers ought to be accommodative to different cultural values of the service users and they must adopt a neutral position when they deal with people from various cultural backgrounds. There is need for them to respect the values of people from all backgrounds in order to be effective in the dispensation of their duties. There is need for the social workers to liberate themselves from cultural conditioning that emanates from professional as well as personal training so that they can develop their own world views based on experience which can help them develop sound interventions when dealing with groups from a diverse cultural background (Sue, 2006). In this assignment, I will focus on the model for cultural competence by Purnell as shown in the appendix. This model is primarily descriptive and it focuses on individuals, families, communities as well as the global community at large. The model is an amalgamation of different theories and it can guide through development of planning strategies, tools for assessment as well as personal interventions. This model was specifically designed to work as a framework that can be used to assess culture used across various disciplines as well as settings of practice. Whilst this model can provide an excellent guide to professionals, social workers may not have ample time to go through it. However, the social workers can gather a lot of information

An evaluation of the effectiveness of security program for sensitive Dissertation

An evaluation of the effectiveness of security program for sensitive government buildings - Dissertation Example Some interesting cases studies as National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff , Corporation of London and Cabot Circus Shopping Center. Those examples proved the efficiency of the RIBA guidance in counter-terrorism measures. As recommended by RIBA architects and engineers should develop efficient security features with minimal cost extra. Therefore is important to valuate the security program costs. Kovacich and Halibozek in their book: â€Å" Security Management: How to manage the cost of an assets protection program† developed a powerful tool for security professionals setting out to design cost-effective programs. Finally and based on the previous research were suggested recommendations to improve the security of sensitive government buildings in OMAN. Risk Factors Abkowitz defines risk factors as the elements which are at the source of the disasters. These elements are classified in 10 basic risk factors: . Design and construction flaws: these flaws are related to the design spec ification in building or major facilities construction. . Deferred maintenance: related to the use of the operation/building. Flaws during this stage should be prevented. Unfortunately it doesn’t happen so often. ... . Schedule constraints: the control of the project schedule is also very important. Sometimes in order to accomplish a deadline some tasks are eliminated or some details are devalued. It can lead to error and sometimes to destructive outcome. . Inadequate training: In some kind of tasks the individual training is critical for a correct performance. Some organizations don’t invest as they should in the training of the employees. Therefore some flaws can occur. . Not following the procedures: this risk factor relates to the failing to follow procedure. In some organization the individual task is very well defined and documented by a procedure. When the procedure is not accomplished it can cause operational flaws. . Communication failure: this flaw is related to the communication between members of the same organization, between different organizations or between the organization and the public. . Arrogance: can lead into human flaw by underestimating the risk and can drive to in secure situations. Arrogance can appear also at the institutional level. At this level the arrogance is reflected in the culture of the organization. . Stifling political agendas: The governmental policies can lead into some risk. The political agendas are associated with the Terrorism. But the risk is not limited to the terrorist attacks. (Abkowitz, 2008). Contemporary Threats and Risk Management Nowadays the concept of security has been developed to a complex arena, including issues of health and safety, and components of risk evaluation and management, paying attention to a broader array of risks (forgeries, terrorism, emergency situations). Button in his work identifies the the pluralisation of security as one of the main trends security management ( Button, 2008).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

1.Identify one method and critically evaluate it paying attention to Essay

1.Identify one method and critically evaluate it paying attention to the underlying theoretical underpinnings - Essay Example For instance, there are high chances that if the social workers are conscious about cultural issues there will also be high chances that they will offer competent services that are culture based and are likely to improve the quality of health care to various users of the service provided. Culture is a complex phenomenon and it requires the service providers to view themselves, local communities, their workmates and the settings of their employment from different angles. Social workers are often face difficulties in dealing with different cultural issues (Laird, 2008). Social workers ought to be accommodative to different cultural values of the service users and they must adopt a neutral position when they deal with people from various cultural backgrounds. There is need for them to respect the values of people from all backgrounds in order to be effective in the dispensation of their duties. There is need for the social workers to liberate themselves from cultural conditioning that emanates from professional as well as personal training so that they can develop their own world views based on experience which can help them develop sound interventions when dealing with groups from a diverse cultural background (Sue, 2006). In this assignment, I will focus on the model for cultural competence by Purnell as shown in the appendix. This model is primarily descriptive and it focuses on individuals, families, communities as well as the global community at large. The model is an amalgamation of different theories and it can guide through development of planning strategies, tools for assessment as well as personal interventions. This model was specifically designed to work as a framework that can be used to assess culture used across various disciplines as well as settings of practice. Whilst this model can provide an excellent guide to professionals, social workers may not have ample time to go through it. However, the social workers can gather a lot of information

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Warning Video about Financial Crisis Movie Review

The Warning Video about Financial Crisis - Movie Review Example The move to have the unregulated derivative fund regulated was countered by the introduction of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which then took away the power of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the federal agency that oversees the trading of derivatives, thus making it impossible for the over-the-counter derivatives market to be regulated (Kirk, n.p.). Although the CFTC is meant to play the role of government oversight in the financial market operations, the attempts by the agency to have the derivative market regulated were thwarted by the closest administrators of President Clinton, who argued that an attempt to regulative the lucrative multi-million dollar market would certainly cause a financial crisis, while in reality it is the deniability of the administrators to act on the fundamental aspects that would have helped prevent the crisis, that ended-up blocking the necessary financial reforms that would have streamlined the financial markets, as proposed by the CFTC (Kirk, n.p.). The major problem with the over-the-counter derivatives market is that; it was operating as a black market, and thus lacked transparency. This way, the operations of the markets were able to continue undercover, until when the market collapsed, triggering a depression of the financial market and the consequent recession of the USA economy (Kirk, n.p.). While the Commodity Futures Trading Commission was empowered to regulate the trading of derivatives in the market, the powerful administrators in the Clinton administration stripped the agency those powers, through imploring on the Congress to pass the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which took away the powers of the agency to control the derivative market, thus leaving the market to care for itself (Kirk, n.p.).  Ã‚  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reflecting on one’s Communication Skills Essay Example for Free

Reflecting on one’s Communication Skills Essay Introduction Nursing students can enhance their learning through reflection that is, reflecting on a situation that involves nursing care (Parker 2006, p.115). In line with this thought, I shall reflect on an experience and discuss the communication skills I used or should have used during the patient encounter. I will use the three what model based on the work of Borton (1970) and Boud (1985) to help structure my reflection. Before going any further, I am invoking the provision in the NMC (2008) code which declares the need to respect people’s confidentiality; hence, the identity of the patient who will be cited in this reflection will be kept anonymous. He will be given a pseudonym and will simply be referred to as Mr. B What? Mr. B is a 75-year-old patient in a nursing home diagnosed with dementia. Initially, it was my mentor who initiated nursing care to him and I was instructed to continue its delivery. The rationale why my mentor assigned me to Mr. B was so I can sharpen my communication skills. During my interaction with Mr. B, I tried to remain calm and spoke in slow and short sentences. I also used simple words although at times, I cannot help but repeat what I have already said because I was not sure whether the patient understood my statements. So What? At first, I was honestly hesitant and quite nervous when I interacted with the patient. I was already aware of his condition; hence, I was in a dilemma as to how I can communicate with him. This experience helped me realise that communication is truly an important part of nursing practice. Mastering all the routine nursing tasks and other complicated nursing interventions will all have been for nothing if a nurse does not know how to initiate a nurse-patient therapeutic relationship or interaction which naturally begins with communication. To simply put it, Ellis, Gates and Kenworthy (2003, p.214) declare that good communication is vital to effective nursing. According to Collins (2009) good communication helps build a therapeutic relationship which is central to nursing. It is a must for a nurse to be able to communicate effectively with the patient because communication is the tool that will allow the nurse to reassure a patient, empower the patient, motivate the patient, put a patient at ease, and convey understanding of the patient’s concerns (Collins 2009). I realised that communicating with a patient with dementia is more difficult than I have actually predicted. His condition was definitely the barrier that hindered effective communication. Even though I spoke in clear, short and simple sentences, there were still instances when the patient did not understand what I said or may be pretended to have not heard what I said. With this, I realise that one effective counter against such circumstance is to establish and maintain genuine rapport with the patient which can be done through frequent therapeutic conversations with the patient. Rapport entails trust and confidence of the patient to the nurse. Without, a nurse will have difficulty convincing a patient to follow instructions or adhere to advices. The experience also led me to realise the importance of valuing non-verbal communication. Before, I honestly took for granted non-verbal communication because the patients I handled in the past had no cognitive impairments that hindered verbal communication. It was only during this experience that verbal communication is less reliable due to the patient’s condition. This experience pointed out that a patient’s facial expression, presence or absence of eye contact, and bodily gestures can all help decipher a patient’s mood, feelings and attitude towards the nurse and the interventions given by the nurse. Videbeck (2010, p.107) relate that it is crucial for a nurse to understand what a patient is trying to communicate by means of observing non-verbal cues. I learned that a truly competent nurse is someone who is able to assess not only what a patient can verbalise but also assess those non-verbal cues displayed by a  patient which may lead the nurse to truly unde rstand how the patient feels and what the patient needs. Now What The experience helped me learn the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication. As an aspiring nurse, I have to continuously sharpen my communication skills because I shall be interacting with more varied patients in the future. I have to be able to establish rapport with each new patient and I can do this by communicating with them. I must maximise my communication with my patients because I can do a lot of things by communicating such as motivate, empower, educate and understand my patients. Conclusion To sum up, reflecting on an experience will help discover different important learning. It will increase one’s knowledge identify strengths and weaknesses in one’s skills. Communication is key to building rapport and therapeutic relationship with patients. A nurse must always improve on his or her communication skills in order to better deliver nursing care. References Collins, S. (2009). Good communication helps to build a therapeutic relationship. (online) available at: Ellis, R., Gates, B. and Kenworthy, N. (2003). Interpersonal communication in nursing: Theory and practice. London: Churchill Livingstone. Nursing Midwifery Council (2008). The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. Parker, M. (2006). Aesthetic ways in day-to-day nursing. In: Freshwater, D. (Ed.). Therapeutic nursing: Improving patient care through self-awareness and reflection. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Videbeck, S. (2010). Psychiatric-mental health nursing. 5th edn., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Introduction Aseptic technique is the practice of carrying out a procedure in such a way that minimises the risk of introducing contamination into a vulnerable area or contaminating an invasive devise (Dougherty and Lister 2011, p.129). Aseptic technique includes several methods such as sterilising instruments, using antiseptic hand scrubs, and donning of sterile gowns, gloves, caps and masks (Cho and Alessandrini 2008, p.43). In line with this thought, this essay will explore the underlying rationales and evidence for the performance of two common methods of aseptic technique. These methods are hand washing and gloving which I personally performed many times during practice placements. Practising Aseptic Technique The delivery of effective nursing care rests on the hands of the nurse. This statement does not only apply figuratively but also literally because the hands of a nurse must not only be capable of performing tasks, it must also be clean while performing such tasks. Hand washing is simply indispensable in the performance of any and all kinds of nursing care activities. It becomes too mundane that sometimes it is intentionally or unintentionally neglected or performed in a manner that is less than satisfactory. As a student nurse, it was made clear to me that proper hand washing is a very important initial step in the delivery of nursing services. I have performed hand washing countless times, some at an acceptable standard while others below standard. The origin for strongly recommending or rather enforcing the need to perform hand washing may be traced from Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis who advocated the performance of hand washing with a chlorinated solution among doctors before assisting women in labour (Case 2011). White (2005, p.527) defines hand washing as the rubbing together of all surfaces and crevices of the hands using a soap or chemical and water. It is a part of all types of isolation precautions and is the most basic and effective infection-control measure to prevent and control the transmission of infectious agents. Hand hygiene which includes hand washing and gloving, is the single most crucial means of preventing transmission of antibiotic-resistant organisms such as the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci or VRE (LeTexier 2011). The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2003, p.28) or NICE in its guideline for infection control dictate that hand washing and gloving are two fundamental modes of preventing healthcare-associated infection. The World Health Organization (2006) highly recommends that health care workers wear gloves to prevent microorganisms present on the hands to be transmitted to patients and to reduce the risk of workers acquiring infection from patients. The effectiveness of donning gloves in preventing contamination of infectious agents has been confirmed in many clinical trials (WHO 2006). To reiterate, both hand washing and gloving are two of the most indispensable methods of aseptic technique; however, amidst the overwhelming evidence on the benefits of both procedures, there are still erring professionals. Nurses, doctors and other health care professionals still do err in the performance of such procedures. In my case, I have done it many times before but sometimes, I still forget to do it or consciously neglect to do it. Perhaps, the problem lies not within the knowledge of the need to perform it but rather on the manner by which it should be perform. There are varying ways and means of performing hand washing. In fact there are different kinds of hand washing. There is the medical hand washing which is similar to ordinary hand washing and there is also the surgical hand washing. Every institution has its own version on how to perform hand washing. This is also true for donning gloves. There are different brands of gloves each of which advertise some form of advantage over the other. There are also different modes of donning gloves such as the open technique and the close technique. There are also different varieties of gloves like clean gloves and surgical gloves. The differences and varieties with the way hand washing and gloving may be performed may account for the reason why some professionals err in the performance of these two important aseptic technique procedures. Another factor in the possible non-compliance of some healthcare professionals may be related to convenience in the performance of such procedures. For instance, when a nurse is overwhelmed by work-related stress due to high inpatient census, sometimes, the simple act of washing hands is intentionally neglected. As a solution to this, it is recommended to make hand hygiene convenient (JCR 2009, p.64). Instead of the traditional soap and water, it is possible to achieve the same effect with alcohol based scrub; thereby, eliminating the need for washing hands with water. It is also advisable to choose gloves that have special fit for different sizes of hands rather than the fit-all type of gloves. Conclusion In summary, hand washing and gloving are two common types of aseptic technique which are indispensable in the everyday practice of nursing. It has been well established that hand washing and gloving are crucial in the efficient delivery of services particularly in the aspect of preventing the spread of infection. Despite this known fact, some still err in complying with such procedures. References Case, C. (2011). Handwashing. [online] Available at: Cho, C. and Alessandrini, E. (2008). Aseptic technique. In: King, C., Henretig, F. and King , B. (Eds.). Textbook of pediatric emergency procedures. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Dougherty, L. and Lister, S. (2011). The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures: Student edition. 8th edn., Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd. Joint Commission Resources (2009). Meeting joint commission’s infection prevention and control requirements: A priority focus area. 2nd edn., Illinois: Joint Commission Resources. LeTexier, R. (2011). Preventing infection through hand washing. [Online].Available at: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2003). Infection control: Prevention of healthcare-associated infection in primary and community care. [online]. Available at: White, L. (2005). Foundations of nursing. London: Thompson Delmar Learning. Nursing Essay: Sample World Health Orgnization (2006). The first global patient safety challenge: Clean care is safer care. [online]. available at:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Learning to Listen in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Essay -- Sonnys B

Learning to Listen in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues In James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues", the verb, to listen, is employed many times in varying contexts. This theme is developed throughout the story as the narrator learns to listen more closely to the aural stimuli (or sounds) which enter his ears. In order to understand the narrator's heightened degree of perception as it unfolds in "Sonny's Blues", it is necessary to begin with a thorough discussion of hearing and listening in general, and then as they relate to the story. First, one must understand the distinction between hearing and listening. Hearing is simply the reception of sound waves by the ears. This may happen unconsciously, as is usually the case with soft background noise such as the whoosh of air through heating ducts or the distant murmur of an electric clothes dryer. Sometimes hearing is done semi-consciously; for instance, the roar of a piece of construction equipment might momentarily draw one's attention. Conscious hearing, or listening, involves a nearly full degree of mental concentration. A familiar i...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Changes In The Earths Environment Essay -- essays research papers

Changes in the Earth's Environment The 20th century, especially in the second half, has been one of rapid change in the Earth's environment. The impact of humans on the physical form and functioning of the Earth have reached levels that are global in character, and have done so at an increasingly mounting speed. 20 years ago the environment was seen as posing a threat to the future of humanity as death rates from natural hazards had increased dramatically since the turn of the century. The Earth though has always been plagued by natural disasters. Now, with the world population growing at a rapid rate more people are living in hazard prone areas. Events which may have gone unnoticed previously, only become hazards when there is intervention with humans and their lifestyle. With the discovery of the ozone hole in the 1980's attention was now more focused on the threat humans were posing to the environment. With scientific evidence to back up pessimistic predictions of our future, most people, through media coverage, political pressures and general concern now see the environment as being truly threatened by human progress and in desperate need of help. Natural hazards have been defined as â€Å"...extreme geophysical events greatly exceeding normal human expectations in terms of their magnitude or frequency and causing significant damage to man and his works with possible loss of life.† (Heathcote,1979,p.3.). A natural hazard occurs when there is an interaction between a system of human resource management and extreme or rare natural phenomena (Chapman,1994). As McCall, Laming and Scott (1991) argue, strictly speaking there is no hazard unless humans are affected in some way. Yet the line between natural and human-made hazards is a finely drawn one and usually overlapping. Doornkamp ( cited in McCall et al, 1992) argues that many hazards are human induced or at least made worse by the intervention of humans. In the 1970's, natural hazards were an important subject of topical study, as the nature of their impact on human populations and what they valued was increasing in frequency at quite a rapid rate (Burton, Kates, White, 1978). During the 75 years after 1900 the population of the earth increased by a staggering 2.25 billion people. People who needed land on which to live and work. As the population rose people were dispersed in more places and in larger numb... ...cote and B.G. Thom (eds): Natural Hazards in Australia. 3-12, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra. Kevies, D.J. (1992). Some Like it Hot. New York Review of Books. 39:31-39. McCall, G.J.H. (1992). Natural and Man Made Hazards: Their Increasing Importance in the End 20th Century World in G.J.H.McCall, D.J.C.Laming and S.C.Scott (eds): Geohazards: Natural and Man Made. 1-4, Chapman and Hall, London. McKibben,B. (1990). The End of Nature. Penguin, Middlesex. Meyer, W.R. and Turner, B.L. (1995). The Earth Transformed: Trends, Trajectories and Patterns in R.J. Johnson, P.J. Taylor and M.J.Watts (eds): Geographies of Global Change. 302-317, Blackwell, Oxford. Pearce, D. (1995). Blueprint 4: Capturing Environmental Value. Oxford Uni. Press, New York. Perry,A.H. (1981). Environmental Hazards in the British Isles. Allen and Unwin. London. Schnieder, S.H. (1989). Global Warming: Are We Entering The Greenhouse Century ?. Sierra Club Books, New York. Stow, D.A.V. (1992). Preface in G.J.H.McCall, D.J.C.Laming and S.C.Scott (eds): Geohazards: Natural and Man Made. i-ii, Chapman and Hall, London. Suzuki,D. and Gordon, A. (1990). It's a Matter of Survival. Harvard Uni Press, Harvard.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Animal Farm: Comparison of the Animal Characters with Their Human Counterparts

Animal Farm: Comparison of Animal Characters with Human characters Animal Farm by George Orwell is a political story concerning the concept of Leninist Marxism, written from an animal’s perspective. It is a story of dreams; dreams of freedom and equality that are dashed into pieces by greed and avarice for power and comfort. Basically, Orwell has incorporated his own political views in this book regarding Marxism and simultaneously he has spotlighted the major flaws in Marxist philosophy which he illustrates throughout the story. I first want to emphasize that the events in Animal Farm are comparable to the Russian Revolution of 1917. The book illustrates the ideals of the revolution and how the masses were maltreated by corrupt leaders and the false promises of a Utopian socialistic society. This goal of equality was what the animals sought, and despite their sacrifices and hard work, their leaders betrayed them. Animal Farm is essentially a harsh criticism of totalitarianism. Orwell is portraying the noble goals of Marxism which were corrupted by a dictator’s avarice for power. As he notes in his study, â€Å"The book is not only a parody of Stalin’s Russia but also intends to show that Russia was not a true democratic Socialist country. †(1) Despite the apparent criticism, Orwell shares the viewpoints of Marxism as far as worldwide revolution was concerned. However, in the book, a utopian future seemed highly unlikely from the start. The idea of Animalism was a theory created by Old Major in his dream. Old Major was a highly respected and venerable boar. He managed to assemble the farm animals where he told all of them his dream of a revolution. As Major said, â€Å"our lives are miserable, laborious and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies and for those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant our usefulness has come to an end, we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. †(pg 7) This is particularly typical of what the Russian people faced during the Czarist days of Russia. The Bourgeoisie, or the rich, had full control over the Proletariats, who were the poor workers. The workers were treated poorly and they lived in utter poverty and misery. They were exploited and mistreated by the rich and lived a harsh life where even basic sustenance was impossible to find. It was through their labor that the Czar and the rich existed. Karl Marx noticed this problem and he wrote The Communist Manifesto, where he suggested that the workers of the world should unite and overthrow the tyrannical capitalist countries. Marx wanted the proletariat class to start a revolution and change the social structure and distribute the wealth among the masses. Old Major represented Karl Marx. They both were visionaries who called upon the tormented masses to rise up against their bourgeoisie masters, in Animal Farm’s case, Man. Yet, unfortunately both Marx and Major would never see their revolution commence. Old Major dies in three days after speaking to the animals and Marx died before the Russian Revolution began. There were only two capable leaders left on the farm who could start the revolution. Snowball was a young, intelligent and a vivacious pig with a brilliant talent for speaking. Whenever he spoke, he placed an incredible amount of emotion into his voice that pulled the animals toward him. Snowball’s objective was to carry out the last wishes of Old Major and to make life better for the animals. Snowball could be compared to Leon Trotsky who was a devout follower of Marxism and he wanted to improve the lives of the Russian people. Both Snowball and Trotsky were thrown out of power by their supposed comrades. Napoleon, a Berkshire boar, did not possess the skill and acumen of Snowball. However, Napoleon made up for this weak point by being ruthless, cruel, devious, and corrupt. His ambition was to have full control and power over Animal farm. If anyone stopped him, he would destroy the opponent. Napoleon used his dogs to intimidate the other animals and to kill any animal that opposed him. He also used Squealer, a garrulous pig who could convince any animal with doubts about the greatness of Napoleon and that it was Napoleon who thought up the revolution. Basically, Squealor was a propaganda spokesman. Old Major, before his death, had spoken out a list of seven commandments that all animals had to follow. The commandments were concerned with animal-human relations. Squealor changed and manipulated the seven commandments to suit Napoleon and the pigs. You may have noticed by now that the character names all have a symbolic meaning to them. The name Napolean refers to the legendary emperor of France. He was ruthless and he killed anyone who opposed him. Squealor, by his contemptuous actions, implied that he was a spy and he informed Napoleon about any activity against him. Napoleon could be compared to Josef Stalin, the madman of Russia. He was not as educated or convincing as Trotsky. Yet Stalin was a brutal man who craved power. He killed millions of people and used the KGB (indoctrinated dogs) to punish dissenters. Napoleon also used Moses, the tame raven, to control the animals. Moses represented the Church where he constantly babbled about Sugar Land Mountain. This heavenly abode is where all animals go when they died and they forever lived in peace and tranquility with good food and lots of rest. The animals believed in Moses because their lives were already full of misery. Surely there had to be a better place where the animals could go and be content. Moses was a tool for Napoleon. He said all this jargon in order to make the tired animals work hard and not complain and Moses was paid with bread soaked in beer. On the topic of religion, Marx considered it the, â€Å"Opiate of the people. † (2) Orwell however said that people will always turn to religion for answers and places where they could go for an easier existence. In addition, Orwell refused to approve of a society where leaders like Napoleon or Stalin distorted the true meaning of Socialism and instilled fear and tyranny over their own people. As Orwell said, â€Å"To accept Orthodoxy, is always to inherit unresolved contradictions. †(3) This makes sense because the animals had jumped out of the frying pan (Mr. Jones’ reign) and into the fire (Napoleon’s dictatorship). Either way you see the result, it is the same. The animals continued to suffer. What did Animalism accomplish? What were the goals, what were the dreams and what were the results? The basic idea was to share power and to stop the tyrant Mr. Jones (who represented the Czar). The goals of the newly established government was to declare all animals equal, that they would get more food, more sleep, respect, rules to protect animals from oppression, and technology-in the form of windmill to make life better for all. The animals owned the farm. Everything was to be equally shared. Humans were the enemy and no animals should deal with Man and no one could act like Man. As Major said, â€Å".. in fighting Man, we must not come to resemble him. Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices. †(pg 12) The seven commandments were made for the protection of the animals and their rights. Leaders and workers will work together and education is available to all. These were the hopes and dreams of all animals so that they may be free from the bonds of slavery and live in happiness and equality. However, when Napoleon claimed power, the entire basis of the revolution crumbled into dust. The goals of the government were stripped to suit the Pigs. As the rule said, â€Å"some animals are more equal than others. † Rather than motivating animals to work, they are forced to work otherwise they would not receive their ration of food. The Seven commandments were changed to Pig Laws. Pigs became more powerful and thus they controlled every aspect of the farm. What I note, and Orwell also notes, is that how could the proletariats trust the self-proclaimed leaders and their intentions? As Orwell wrote, â€Å"The main weakness of Marxism is the failure of human motives†(4) and â€Å"It is impossible to have an intuitive understanding of men’s motives and therefore impossible to predict their actions. †(5) It’s difficult to fathom why the animals didn’t recognize the pig’s treachery and why they didn’t rebel. Maybe the fierce dogs were too intimidating or maybe the animals were just content with their nationalistic pride of their farm. An example of their pride can be seen when the animals march past their flag and the disinterred skull of Old Major. They have a feeling of joy and contentment because their farm is run by the animals and not humans. However as Orwell writes, â€Å"the proletariat is too easily swayed by its leaders as well as its guiding ideologies. †(6) For example in Animal Farm, the animals fail to realize that all their rights and the seven commandments are being stripped and changed before their very eyes. The knowledge that all the animals are illiterate is very useful to Napoleon and he freely changes all the laws according to his tastes without worry. Yet the animals should have said something when the â€Å"Beasts of England,† the revolutionary song taught by Old Major, is changed to â€Å"Animal Farm. † Take Boxer the horse for example. He was a devout follower of Napoleon and he gave his life for his brethren. He sacrificed himself day and night in the construction of the windmill so that the dreams of heat and electricity would come true and that all the animals could reap the benefits. Boxer always said, â€Å"Napoleon is always right. † It is all Boxer can do whenever he had doubts. Had Boxer materialized his doubts into action, Napoleon would never have succeeded in gaining total power. That’s why I believe Boxer is attacked by the three dogs after he develops doubts about Snowball being a traitor. Luckily he is strong enough to stop the dogs. Boxer represented a communist or Animalist supporter. He was a dedicated and hard worker but the crafty Squealer and Napoleon used him where Boxer was eventually betrayed by the leaders he so willingly followed and helped. Orwell understood the significance of Marxism and shared many of its beliefs but Animalism was not an extreme political goal. The basic concept was equality, sharing, and working together for the betterment of all. Yet the system was so badly twisted by the leaders that the animals were in limbo. The animals became oppressed slaves to the pigs who became no different than the human masters. They were even crueler to the animals than Jones and the Revolution became a cruel joke. What changes had occurred? Absolutely nothing except that instead of humans ruling over animals, animals came to rule over animals. The final line in the book summarizes it all, â€Å"The creatures outside looked from pig to man and man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which. †(pg 155)

Thursday, October 10, 2019


No doubt man is a social being and can never live a mundane custom always. Man undergoes dissimilar swings and moods in his every day life. It is true that moods are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Unlike a computer or any automatic tool, man gets worn out or gets weary easily. He cannot carry out any repeated action incessantly without a break. Let us take a quick tour of an instance of an exacting student who was a characteristic bookworm. He was very careful and he did studies and not anything else the whole day. Ironically, his marks never used to demonstrate the efforts he used to take. The cause for this absurdity was that he always kept poring into books with no positive mood. No doubt he never used to take even a minute gap of rest. This forced his mind to start inattention and stay put in reveries. This would obviously influence his academic and over all presentation in school activities. There is one more cause to hold up this statement. On taking a break from a usual behavior, say, studies would give a touch to the person. One would feel rather guilty for homicide the time into other behavior. This would prompt the person to study harder and go in an earlier rate with full attentiveness in his studies. Thus, still a half an hour break would save hours of time which would just be exhausted in reveries. (Thayer, 1997) Taking a diminutive period of break would give rest to the mind. The person would feel invigorated to go back to work in an improved mood. A person wearied out or in a bad swing would sense joyous and happy if he/she takes a break by doing amazing attractive or even by taking respite for a while.   Furthermore one could take a break by connecting in any sport movement or spend various times by a hobby. Going for sports could be a high-quality time-pass. This will get better one's health and obviously enrich one's mind since a sound mind forever dwells in a sound body. It would also get better a person's aptitude in sports or additional co-curricular activities like illustration, music etc. A person could get improved himself in an over-all method, not only in work but also in engage in recreation. Therefore, I powerfully believe that it is true saying moods are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. References Thayer E. Robert, (1997), The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress. Oxford University Press, New York.

Death of a Moth analysis Essay

â€Å"The essay is a notoriously flexible and adaptable form. It possesses the freedom to move anywhere, in all directions† says Lopate in the introduction to The Art of the Personal Essay. Virginia Woolf in her personal essay â€Å"The Death of the Moth† uses exceptional description and detail to the point where the reader can put themselves in her shoes and see what she is seeing. Although this essay may at first appear to be just a mere narrative detailed description of Woolf’s observation of an insignificant moth that is trapped in the room she is in, through further reflection, a deeper meaning can be seen. Woolf challenges and pushes the thin line between showing not telling throughout her essay. Woolf’s ability to balance the showing and telling of the moth is what makes the essay absorb the reader’s attention. As Lopate says, â€Å"All good essayists make use at times of storytelling devices: descriptions of character and place, incident, dialogue, conflict. They needn’t narrate some actual event to produce a narrative†, can be seen in Woolf’s work. Woolf starts out by describing the setting with great detail and intrigues the reader to not only continue reading but to really stop and imagine themself in a room looking out of the window seeing the farm lands such as when she says, â€Å"The plough was already scoring the field opposite the window, and where the share had been, the earth was pressed flat and gleamed with moisture. Such vigor came rolling in from the fields and the down beyond that it was difficult to keep the eyes strictly turned upon the book. † As the essay continues, the focus on the moth begins to increase to the point where every one of the moth’s movements is being narrated by the author which can be seen through the quote, â€Å"He was trying to resume his dancing, but seemed either so stiff or so awkward that he could only flutter to the bottom of the windowpane; and when he tried to fly across it he failed. † This aspect of showing and intertwining these two types of showing in Woolf’s essay is what makes the essay seem as if starts out in a seemingly directionless and open manner only to hop onto a narrative possibility and let the momentum of storytelling lead the way to a more complex meaning. The style of the essay and the way it is written is very intriguing. Woolf is able to surround the essay around a moth, while making the real story something greater, the struggle against death. As Lopate says in the introduction to â€Å"The Art of the Personal Essay†, â€Å"the essayist happily violates the number one rule of short story workshops, ‘show don’t tell’; the glory of the essayist is to tell, once and for all, everything that he or she thinks, knows and understands†, and it apparent that Woolf follows this ideal from the beginning of the essay. Two of the best quotes from her essay that depict Woolf telling us what she is thinking about the situation is, â€Å"Yet, because he was so small, and so simple a form of the energy that was rolling in at the open window and driving its way through so many narrow and intricate corridors in my own brain and in those of other human beings, there was something marvelous as well as pathetic about him,† as well as, â€Å"Again, the thought of all that life might have been had he been born in any other shape caused one to view his simple activities with a kind of pity. † The underlying message of death becomes of greater emphasis due to this. Surrounding the story around the details of the struggle of the moth and the telling of a problematic irritation in a well written and traditional style is what enhances Woolf’s essay into a fluid a combination of both literature and philosophy. Woolf’s blend of showing, comprised of a detailed storytelling style, and telling, including a philosophical account of the situation, is what leads to a successful essay. Unarguable is Woolf’s philosophical attempt at tackling the topic of death by telling the audience what she thinks, knows and understands through lines such as, â€Å"The insignificant little creature now knew death. As I looked at the dead moth, this minute wayside triumph of so great a force over so mean an antagonist filled me with wonder†. Woolf’s storytelling opens the door to this philosophical style of writing, by complementing it with a very open, although descriptive introduction into the topic of the moth’s struggle with death.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 58

Philosophy - Essay Example It constitutes of good traits that are important which enable a person to carry out their duties, at the right time, and in the correct way. This essay provides a detailed analysis of Aristotle’s ethics by analyzing his moral philosophy. The scholar discussed moral philosophy in three categories that include happiness, the right, and the good aspects. He explained that the personality of an individual is determined by elements such as individual agents, virtues, vices, and the mode of attaining happiness in life. The good feature composes of a superior good which is targeted by everyone to achieve their ultimate goals and targets. Non-Aristotle form of good entail attainment of wealth, honor, pleasure, and happiness. He explains that in order to achieve this aspect, the highest and worthy course of action should be taken (Modrak 2001). Aristotle describes happiness as the state of living and performing different activities with effective procedures. He emphasizes that this category of moral philosophy is not subjective, but it is objective that implies that it is not associated to feelings such as pleasure. It entails the activity of a person’s soul rather than their state that relates also to their virtues (Rorty 2006). An individual’s virtues are important and determine whether they can achieve happiness. They are connected, therefore since they provide conducive and flourishing environment that enables a person to work effectively and be good. Aristotle classified virtues into two categories that comprise of the intellectual aspect which is considered as the rational part of a person’s personality. The second classification is composed of moral values which encompass the rational and the appetitive area of the soul. Virtues are significant since an individual can engage in an activity to the correct extent (Aristotle & Reeve 2014) implying that they engage in different actions but which are appropriate. They maintain, therefore, the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Macroeconomics - Supply And Demand Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Macroeconomics - Supply And Demand - Term Paper Example Demand, in this context, refers to the quantity of goods and services, which are desired by consumers at any given time and price. For example, if the demand for Laptops is said to be higher than that of Desktops, it means that majority of consumers in the market prefer buying laptops over desktops and hence those businesses dealing with these items would have to consider stocking more laptops than desktops or otherwise risk making losses or minimal profits as a result of low sales. Supply on the other hand refers to the level at which producers avail their products to the market. In this context, if the supply of a commodity is insufficient, then it means that there would not be enough in the market to satisfy the quantities needed by consumers (Thompson 18). In this paper, I will discuss, in detail, factors that affect supply and demand for commodities. With regard to demand, I will discuss factors such as price, which will be explained through a demand curve in order to illustrate the law of demand, income, and future expectations, which will show that customers may refuse to buy commodities in large quantities if they are aware of a possibility of a reduction in price within certain duration of time. Tastes and preferences will also be discussed as having a short term influence on demand as they are subject to rapid change. Factors affecting supply as discussed herein will include prevailing market prices of commodities, illustrated through a supply curve, government policies and speculation. The law of demand states that the higher the price of a commodity, the lower the demand and the lower the price the higher the demand. It therefore goes without saying that price is one of the most important determinants of demand (Krugman 25). Consumers will always consider foregoing expensive items in their budget especially if there are substitutes, which are selling at a lower price or simply due to opportunity cost. For

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Western Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Western Civilization - Essay Example Karl Marx was known for his theories on the following: economic interest; class struggle; industrial capitalism, and; socialist society. According to Marx, it is economic interest which is the universal motivator and dictates political, religious and cultural trends. Everything will eventually end up in a class struggle between the haves and the have-nots. The former dictates how the state is run and what ideas circulate around society. On industrial capitalism, Marx believed that capitalists are locked in competition with one another, and newer and bigger machineries are being built everyday to outdo each other. Eventually, everything will spin out of control and the periodic crises and competition will diminish the bourgeoisie while the working class grows, who would then institute a revolt and take over all machineries of capitalism. This will result into a classless society and the abolition of the state and a totally free society. After the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814, conservatism became predominant in France, the German states, Italy, Russia, and Great Britain. In France, the successive rules of Louis XVIII and Charles X saw the predominance of conservative policies; the former imposing a mild militaristic style and the latter favoring the old aristocracy. In the German states, which included Austria and Prussia, conservative policies likewise prevailed.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Accounting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Accounting - Coursework Example Our analysis will cover the main factors that may encourage unethical accounting practices at the managerial level. Greed for money appears to be the most convenient explanation. Personal gain is probably why malpractice is performed in the first place. With accounting being a practice revolving entirely around money, greed is likely to strike at any level, whether it be an individual accountant or at a member of the executive board. Financial information is manipulated as managers and accounting specialists search for loopholes in standards either for misrepresentation or for direct monetary benefit. Pressure to meet profitability targets is another important factor as to why management may choose to enter the grey area of accounting. In certain scenarios meeting analysts’ expectations regarding company performance becomes more important than contractual obligations, as the company is reputed to adhere to its market predicted growth trends. Therefore, capital market pressure may just be significant enough for managers to resort to unethical means to financial reporting. (Serwer, et al., 2002) have construed in a similar context: â€Å"over time so much focus has been placed on levitating companies stock prices that many executives will do almost anything--legal or otherwise--to make it happen† (Rosen, Al, 2009) regards executive compensation as the key to the dubitable practice of misrepresentation in financial reporting. Executive compensation can occur either via share-based compensatory benefits (as share prices rise) or inflated profitability by over-stating revenues. Corporate culture plays a significant role in devising managerial ethics. If in order to achieve ‘company’ gains the executive management is known to practice manipulation with financial information, subordinate staff is likely to use unethical means for personal benefits too (StrategicDirection,

Friday, October 4, 2019

Why should anyone be led by me Personal Statement

Why should anyone be led by me - Personal Statement Example It focuses on my traits and competencies as a leader. In essence it answers the fundamental question why anyone should be led by me. Why Should Anyone Be Led By Me? If there is one thing that I can claim having very good knowledge of, it is me. I have often heard that the ultimate end of education is ‘self-discovery’ (19). In my own case, thankfully, I think it happened to a substantial degree and I presume that is what gives me the aptitude for leadership. Besides my parents and teachers, several of my friends and a number of books that I read allowed me a lot of reflection and introspection as to what I was and what I ought to be. Thus they have been of immense help in taking a close look at my values, strengths, weaknesses, talents, relationships, passions and interests. In short they let me find my voice. At the same time, I am aware that the discovery is an ongoing process and the description in the current document is a portrait of what I am at the moment. In my ex perience as a manager, I made a conscious effort not to be overcome by frustration or disappointment at the end of an unsuccessful business encounter or presentation (31). I saw them rather as learning experiences and indicators of the dots that I missed. I was careful not to let my command be confined just to my area of specialization. I was prepared to go that extra mile to gain knowledge of other departments to the extent they would be needed so that my business acumen would become complete and credible. It also helped me to answer with conviction any questions regarding the business decisions that I had made. I constantly reminded myself that gaining access to the C suite in itself did not mean anything and there would a long way to go beyond that. A very useful tip given by my first boss was to think afresh always. I must say I took it to its letter and spirit. Before that, I remember having done the mistake of applying ‘one of the old solutions’ to a new problem t hat appeared to resemble an old problem. My first boss’s suggestion meant that each solution was bound to be as unique as the problem itself. Over the years, I have cultivated the practice of contemplating multiple options and applying mind-map sketches whenever I had to mull over one. It meant a little more labor to focus on the most significant parts of the data and then to identify the patterns. But then, it saved me from the unpleasant task of resorting to self-deception or depending on false reasoning and rationalization (180). Not that this method was entirely without risk, but it stood the best chance for success for the simple reason that the approach was as honest as it could be. I am glad I made mistakes. They gave me the chance to act in time and strengthen myself as a leader. On one occasion, when I was in high spirits following excellent pay off on one of the project ideas that clicked, it was actually one of my subordinates, a young man, who warned me, subtly th ough, not to be carried away by short-term success but to be prepared for future scenarios and contingencies. It took me some time to appreciate precisely what he meant. When I got the essence, I have begun to force myself and my team to stay away from the comfort zone and look at each project from an R & D perspective. It was one of the first lessons but one of the finest too. The first few months of my career caused me insomnia literally because too many deadlines seemed to accumulate at a time leading to stress (143). After a couple of experiences of sophisticated reproach by my superiors, I figured out how the daily grind affected my priorities and important and urgent tasks would inadvertently get overlooked. I realized that I was dwelling mostly with the tasks that I inherently liked and in